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Noise level at 5.9GHz?

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Noise level at 5.9GHz?
I am new to AREDN. Doing my first link budget for a point to point.  I see the receivers have a sensitivity around -95dBm, but is this achievable or is the noise floor usually higher and, if so, what would be a reasonable suburban threshold level to assume?  Thx. Adrian VE7NZ
K6AH's picture
-95 is a good noise floor for
-95 is a good noise floor for planning purposes.  I use that, or -98 when spec'd for Radio Mobile modeling.

Andre, K6AH
AE6XE's picture
-95dBm is the noise the cmos
-95dBm is the noise the cmos technology in these radios produces in a 20MHz channel width -- from theory-math.  I read this in the source code of the ath9k driver and wireless forums...   It is the value assigned to the measured ambient noise, then everything else is measured relative from there.  Although, the noise floor is raised if it helps screen out interference to better decode a signal.     Since a 10MHz channel is often used and half the bandwidth, this is half the noise or  -95dBm -3db = -98dBm.   

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