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Nodes establish tunnel, but i can not route to remote nodes

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Nodes establish tunnel, but i can not route to remote nodes

Not sure if someone can help me. I have some local hAP ac lite nodes that can see each other and i can see established (but idle) wireguard tunnels to a tunnel server.

My node reports several more mesh nodes than i locally have,but i am unable to route to the 10.x address of the tunnel server. form my home network i see the public ip address of the tunnel server and see the tunnel server also report that the tunnel to my node is up and idle.

my local node is 

remote tunnel node is

I have the support exports from both. I really am stumped.


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nc8q's picture
Hi, Juan:
I also can 'see' W7ACS-Tunnel-Server, but I cannot click on its link and view that node.
73, Chuck

nc8q's picture
All is well at your station, do not adjust your set.
Hi, Juan:

I see you.
You local tunnel issue may be outside your purview.

Perhaps the W7ACS end has not added your port to its router's port forwards.

73, Chuck
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