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Node name change

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Node name change
Can a existing node with tunnels and services change its name without having to be reconfigured?
Chris N7GYL
w6bi's picture
Name changes
The tunnel server views the incoming tunnel client's nodename as its login password.  So changes there have to be coordinated between client & server. Without more information, can't comment more.
Orv W6BI
nc8q's picture
A name change is a 'reconfiguration'.
"Can a existing node with tunnels and services change its name without having to be reconfigured?"
+1 w6bi

Hi, Chris:
If a tunnel client changes its name, the tunnel will fail until the server also is (re) configured.'
Advertised services will be advertised with the new node name.
However, after a node name change, it may appear with a 'double node name' to every other node on the network.
To fix the double node name issue, you may simply take the name-changed-node off-line for 15 minutes or so.
73, Chuck


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