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Node internet access

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Node internet access
What are the correct Set up settings for a node to have internet access for the purpose of the AREDN map?   We have a Pi on the node that sees the internet but for some reason after clicking  "Upload data to AREDN Servers"   I receive the message  :  ERROR  Cannot update map.  Please ensure this node has access to the internet.
Thank you-
Jim, NH6WR
The node would need to have
The node would need to have its WAN port plugged into a connection that has internet access (either via a breakout switch for most devices or the AirRouter already has it broken out) OR there would need to be a meshgw providing internet access.

In addition if I recall correctly 3.16.1.x has a flaw on large networks where it can not successful upload data due to the size of the map (corrected in the develop builds.)
K5DLQ's picture
"In addition if I recall
"In addition if I recall correctly 3.16.1.x has a flaw on large networks where it can not successful upload data due to the size of the map (corrected in the develop builds.)"

To work around the above...
If you are on a tunnel, you can simply disconnect the tunnels, update your map, and reconnect.
Not on a tunnel,  In Socal
Not on a tunnel,  In Socal with good connects in the area. Thanks K5DLQ
Thank you KC6JEI,  Is there a
Thank you KC6JEI,  Is there a write up on the AREDN site that gives detail on the proper way to set-up the nodes  "Mesh Gateway"  for mapping purposes if the node is just part of the AREDN mesh and does not have an internet connected swiitch?

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