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Nightly not allowing port 3001?

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Nightly not allowing port 3001?

I have a Raspberry Pi connected to my hAPac2.  The Pi has various services such as Apache, SSH, and MotionEye, all running nicely.  I also have Doug's "topologrjs version 0.1b5" ( running with URL access on port 3001.

Sometime after nightly 20250123-a55b053e, access to that URL on port 3001 stopped working.

I had been running the latest nightly, even today's (20250202-f1a31e06) but they all fail.

Unrelated, I lost my copies of nightlies after 20250123 and before 20250202 so I cannot tell exactly when this broke.

- Mike AB4YY

w6bi's picture
Port 3001
Mike, the devs rarely read the Forums.  I suggest you open a ticket in the AREDN GitHub instance and describe this issue.  And include a support data file (which can be generated out of the Tools area).

Orv W6BI
Thanks, I'll do that. - Mike

Thanks, I'll do that.
- Mike
nc8q's picture
I lost my copies of nightlies after 20250123 and before 2025020
Hi, Mike:

If you want to try 20250125:

73, Chuck

Thanks, Chuck, but I lost

Thanks, Chuck, but I lost that version due to some unrelated movement of files here.  :)  I don't think it is available on the AREDN site.

Here is the GitHub URL for the current activity on this issue:

For testing and to get the Support Data, I am running the current '20250202-f1a31e06' with no access to 3001.  I'll probably switch back to an older nightly just to get my "topologrjs" local network diagram going, as it is my main tool for accessing any local node by simple double-clicking on the selected node.  :)  (Many thanks again to Doug for the program!)

It seems like a weird problem since it is only affecting port 3001 and other ports are working fine.

- Mike

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