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New MeshChat Install Issue?

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New MeshChat Install Issue?

I have a Mikrotik  hAP ac lite  named  hap-fb  , and a  Raspberry Pi  named  rp5b1 .  I had MeshChat api 2.10 in hap-fb and apparently MeshChat 1.02 in rp5b1.   A local group uses a MeshChat zone called NTX-Chat, and the rp5b1 was configured to do that. 

Trying to get ready for AREDN, I deleted the MeshChat api app from hap-fb (the AREDN node) and installed MeshChat 2.12.0_all.ipk in it.   Everything appeared to go OK.  

When I looked at hap-fb Mesh Status, I saw two MeshChat zones advertised.  One is NTX-Chat, the other is MeshChat-1879.  I clicked MeshChat-1879 and saw what looked like the entire message log of NTX-Chat.  I sent a message to one of our zone members, and it looked like it went out. 

Both services are advertised by entries in Setup/Port Forwarding….  NTX-Chat has the rp5b1 URL and zone of 80.  MeshChat-1879 has the hap-fb URL and zone of 8080.

After some clicking and looking, I discovered that NTX-Chat service display shows Mesh Chat v1.02, Zone NTX-Chat, Users   K5RA  rp5b1.  The MeshChat-1879 service display shows Mesh Chat v2.12.0, Zone NTX-Chat, Users   K5RA  hap-fb  and   K5RA   rp5b1.

The first message that I sent, I think it was on MeshChat-1879, no longer appears in the log of either zone.  Also, it appears that messages sent from NTX-Chat are echoed to MeshChat-1879, but not the other way.  I may have rebooted    hap-fb  after the first message but not later.

What is the best way to clean this up??  I want to have v2.12.0 and NTX-Chat be used and advertised, and MeshChat-1879 service to disappear.  Do I just delete both current advertisements and advertise NTX-Chat on URL hap-fb with zone 8080??  Or would the best approach be to remove the 2.12.0_all from hap-fb and re-install 2.10-api so that it is back like it was??

Thanks in advance.

--Tim K5RA


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