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NanoStation loco M5 (XM) first install fails

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NanoStation loco M5 (XM) first install fails

I'm having trouble installing firmware on a NanoStation loco M5 (XM). What should I try next?

I followed the First Install directions. After putting the NanoStation into TFTP mode, it responds to ping. TFTP transfer appears to be progressing: the LAN1 LED flickers rapidly, and the tftp2 progress bar moves steadily. But the transfer ultimately fails. The NanoStation LAN1 LED flickers for a few more seconds, and then the flashing 1-3, 2-4, 1-3, 2-4 pattern resumes. After 3 retries, tftp2 says "Unable to get responses from the server."

I can successfully install Ubiquiti airOS using the same procedure, except of course with the file XM.v6.3.5.33321.210716.1345.bin from Ubiquiti.

The airOS main status page shows Version: v6.3.5 (XM). The date code on the sticker is 1340K. I ran the TFTP clients on Windows 10. I tried both Windows' tftp command line and tftp2. I tried the AREDN firmware files aredn- and aredn-

K5DLQ's picture
after putting into TFTP mode,
after putting into TFTP mode, can you ping successfully?   if not, you need to resolve that issue first.
Yes, the NanoStation responds
Yes, the NanoStation responds to ping after I put it into TFTP mode.
This worked for me: Use tftp
This worked for me: Use tftp to install XM.v5.6.15-cpu400.30572.170328.1107.bin from Ubiquiti. Then log in to airOS and click System > Upload to install aredn- It asks to consent to install third-party firmware. Then it installs it.

This procedure doesn't work with recent versions of airOS, nor with XM.v5.6.15-sign-cpu400.31612.170908.1458.bin (note that name contains "-sign"). Attempting to upload AREDN firmware elicits an error message saying it refuses to install untrusted software.

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