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NanoBridge in trouble

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Jerry W0HU
NanoBridge in trouble

My aging NanoBridgeM2 needed an upgrade from to  I tried to use the Setup/Administration gui, but it seems to have put the unit on a trip to outer space or somewhere.  I have upgraded eight other units this week with no problems.  This one seems to be in trouble of some kind, and it is 30 feet up a tower I am forbidden to climb.

I can now see a MeshNode in the WiFi Scan, with a URL of, however, even though the computer says MeshNode is connected, I have been unable to find a URL or name combination that will open the information pages.  In the WiFi Scan, it now shows a MAC address of 00:27:22:70:F2:1C.  Previously, if this is the same node I believe it is, the MAC shown was 00:27:22:71:F2:1C.

I can get the unit into tftp mode (reset for 45 seconds), and can ping  When I tftp the file to that address, I receive back a comment "sent 6684672" "firmware check failed".  I tried this several times, with same results.  I'm sure the file is ok, as I have used it successfully on 8 other units this week.

The NanoBridge seems to be handling DHCP OK, as it shows an address of (lan) and does issue the computer an IP.  I'm stuck, HELP!

nc8q's picture
NanoBridgeM2 needed an upgrade

"I can now see a MeshNode in the WiFi Scan, with a URL of"
I do not understand what tool you used have a WiFi Scan return an IP address.
The AREDN /cgi-bin/scan returns MAC, but no IP address.

"the computer says MeshNode is connected"
Please expand how the computer is saying this.

" In the WiFi Scan, it now shows a MAC address of 00:27:22:70:F2:1C.  Previously, if this is
the same node I believe it is, the MAC shown was 00:27:22:71:F2:1C."
This is the normal difference between the ethernet address and the WiFi address.
My node:
eth0   64:D1:54:84:59:39
wlan0  64:D1:54:83:59:39

"sent 6684672" "firmware check failed". "used it successfully on 8 other units this week"
Seems like you may be TFTPing the 'sysupgrade' file instead of the 'factory' file.

I hope this helps,


K6CCC's picture
As Chuck said, point your web
As Chuck said, point your web browser to the IP address.  Assuming that is the correct node, go into the Advanced config page and restart OLSR  That will fix the IP only issue.
Jerry W0HU
NanoBridge in Trouble
Chuck, I apparently mis-stated "WiFi Scan".  The IP was seen in the "mesh status" screen of another node.  The connect I observed was in the computer's wifi selection process, where "MeshNode" shows as an available network.   Thank you for the MAC explanation, makes sense. And yes, I was using the sysupgrade file, and successfully upgraded eight other units with it.  It didn't occur to me that in this case, it was a complete re-write, not an upgrade.  I will try the factory file today, thanks.  Jim, thanks for the suggestion, if it doesn't start up right after the new file transfer, I will try that.  So far, I can't get as far as the "Advanced Config" page.  Sometimes the old thinkers don't move in the right direction, that is why I asked for help.  Thank you both.  I will report results back later today.
Jerry W0HU
NanoBridge in Trouble
OK, just finished with the tftp upload, and it took just fine, and my node is back working.  Thanks, again!  Good teamwork!

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