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Nanobridge M5 In North Whittier

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Nanobridge M5 In North Whittier
I finally got a new Nanobridge up pointing at JPL. The link is good, no obstructions. I bought the Nanobridge M5/25 versus the m5/22 and I seem to have slightly better link quality.

I am still putting my network together but I have a quick question: I turned off DHCP on my radio and am doing static IP addresses on all hosts (Server, PCs) and I cannot get DNS to work on the mesh (10.x.x.x) network with WIndows 10.

I simply added the LAN gateway address to the DNS order on the Linux and Win10 boxes and Linux box is fine but the Win10 boxes cannot resolve the mesh addresses.

Any suggestions?

K5DLQ's picture
1) i strongly recommend
1) i strongly recommend leaving on DHCP and making DHCP reservations on the node for your devices in order to keep a consistent IP.
2) on your Win10 PC, disable wifi or other network interfaces (except the mesh interface).  DNS should work fine.
good luck on the deployment!

K5DLQ - Darryl
Thanks, that makes sense. 1
Thanks, that makes sense. 1 question.

All my hosts are on the mesh LAN. However, I am setting their default gateway to an IP address on the LAN that points toward a 192.168.1.x network to get Internet instead of the mesh LAN default gateway. I have added a persistent route in all their routing tables to point to the mesh gateway to get to any 10.x.x.x addresses. In other words: is the mesh default gateway. I have 13 hosts. I have set up my hosts like this: --> which is the default route towards my Internet connection -->
You say I should still do DHCP but I don't want my default gateway to be the mesh gateway. Won't DHCP force me into that? I want the default gateway to point to the Internet. I am using an old wifi router to route from the mesh network to the 192.168.x.x network.

It all works fine with the exception of mesh DNS in Windows machines.

K5DLQ's picture
on the setup page on the node
on the setup page on the node, just check the box that says "disable default route"....
Lol. How did I miss that?
Lol. How did I miss that?

K5DLQ's picture
KF6RTA's picture
Congrats on your new node

Nice job!   Looks like the link is 15-20 dB SNR -- giving you good throughput.   Not sure how to improve its link quality without a dedicated P2P link on both ends.   I liked your ADS-B tracking service.  Cool to see all the planes in the area, live!


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