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Mobile 900Mhz?

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K5DLQ's picture
Mobile 900Mhz?

Has anyone tried a mobile 900Mhz node deployment?

kg9dw's picture
No, but....

None of the Ubiquiti devices that support a single external antenna currently work with that external antenna with the AREDN firmware. For example, you can't use the external antenna with a Nanobridge. So you'd have to use  a Rocket mobile!

Of course, as I type this, that could be a benefit. If you put a Rocket in your mobile with two antennas running in diversity mode, the multipath problems may be reduced. 

All this to say no, I haven't but that's an interesting idea. I'm planing on doing an install of our first M900 rocket up on a grain elevator should be up at the 150' level.

kg9dw's picture
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900MHz mobile is highly unlikely to work due to the huge Fresnel zone.

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