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MikroTik RB911G-2HPnD-12S mANTBox - No Channels -1 or -2 ??

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MikroTik RB911G-2HPnD-12S mANTBox - No Channels -1 or -2 ??

Looking at the MikroTik RB911G-2HPnD-12S mANTBox radio for a permanent AREDN node installation.  I don't see this device on the hardware matrix, but I do see there is another MikroTik RB911 device listed under 5Ghz hardware.

Anyone have any experience or knowledge if the AREDN firmware can be loaded onto this device?


K9CQB's picture
I've flashed several MikroTik RB911 devices and they work fine.
This appears to be just a ​MikroTik RB911G-2HPnD inside an enclosure combined with a 120 degree sector antenna with 12dBi. I've flashed the QRT series and just the plain RB911 boards with the same firmware as the BaseBox 2 & 5 firmware. This should be do-able.
The main advantage to these devices (both in 5GHz and 2.4GHz) is that they are like a 30dBm BaseBox device that have a built-in 120 sector panel antenna, which would save you at least $100 per device if you don't have to buy a separate sector antenna.
I'm all for this, especially seeings how our source of cheap sector antennas dried up (Altelix no longer sells WiFi MIMO antennas).

-Damon K9CQB
I would like to know if you
I would like to know if you are successful with mANTbox device.
kc8ufv's picture
We're working on testing that

We're working on testing that here. I'm sitting right next to LUN in a meeting and the one he received currently appears to only be giving options for channels 1 thru 14. Those also are identified by center frequency instead of channel number.  Also, for installation, that one was unreachable until we allowed it to obtain an address via DHCP. I've got the bare board sitting at home I will be trying as soon as the antennas I ordered arrive. The raw board takes MMCX connectors, instead of the u.FL or RPSMA connectors that are more common. 

Does anyone have any ideas on getting it down to -1 or -2? everything I can see looks like it's the same chip as on the 912-2HPnD in the basebox.

Yep -  tried loading the

Yep -  tried loading the mANTBox with ​ "aredn-" and then with the nightly build "​aredn-1190-1272c57-mikrotik-nand-large-sysupgrade.bin", both appeared to be working fine except for the ability to select -1 or -2.  I have attached the support data file for people smarter than me to look at.

Support File Attachments: 
AE6XE's picture
This needs a change to
This needs a change to identify the model string at minimum, then proper channel #s will show.  This is quick to do, hang for a moment...

Anybody see a similar problem
Anybody see a similar problem?  This seems like a really great device if the Aredn firmware will work...
AE6XE's picture
You should be able to resolve
You should be able to resolve the issue by editing one file and adding a definition.    Edit the file "/www/cgi-bin/".   Find the similar entry (already exists) for 911G-5HPnD.   Copy these 9 lines to create the entry for 911G-2HPnD.   Be sure to change rfband, so it now looks like this:

 'Mikrotik RouterBOARD 911G-2HPnD' => {
      'name'            => 'Mikrotik RouterBOARD 911G-2HPnD',
      'comment'         => '',
      'supported'       => '1',
      'maxpower'        => '30',
      'pwroffset'       => '0',
      'usechains'       => 1,
      'rfband'          => '2400',
    'Mikrotik RouterBOARD 911G-5HPnD' => {
      'name'            => 'Mikrotik RouterBOARD 911G-5HPnD',
      'comment'         => '',
      'supported'       => '1',
      'maxpower'        => '30',
      'pwroffset'       => '0',
      'usechains'       => 1,
      'rfband'          => '5800ubntus',

Let me know if that makes everything work, to get into the nightly build.

kc8ufv's picture
Looking good on my board here
Looking good on my board here as well. Did have one instance of a bad config saving that stopped uhttpd and olsrd from starting, but, after finding it, a quick telnet in and the command "firstboot -y && reboot" fixed that, though I had to edit again.
AC0WN's picture
Hi Joe,

Does this mean we will soon be able to flash the mANTBox 19s   ... aka ... RB921GS-5HPacD-19S-US with the nightly build?

Many thanks,

AE6XE's picture
Sorry, the ​RB921GS-5HPacD
Sorry, the ​RB921GS-5HPacD has the 802.11ac chipset that does not yet have an open source driver that can do 5 and 10 MHz channels or known way to tweak into part 97 channels.   Hopefully one day soon, these hurdles will be jumped over. 


AC0WN's picture
Thanks, Joe.

Sorry, guess I should have realized that ... but thank you for the clarification.  :)


I’ll try that, but how?

So at the risk of sounding stupid, I did a little stumbling around and realized I don't have the slightest idea where to find the file you mentioned. I surmised from looking at other posts that I modify this file on the live node, but I haven't a clue how to actually do that.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thank You!

AE6XE's picture
This will require use of the
This will require use of the vi editor, so would need some familiarity.   If you want to give it a try, there will be lots of online google tutorials out there.  Or I can build an image for you to download -- probably will do that anyway.  

from command line,  "vi /www/cgi-bin/"  and do the edit.

Looks like it worked!
Figured out how to get to the nodes command line via ssh, then launched the VI editor and made the changes to the file.  Rebooted and it looks like everything works!  Lots of new tricks for this dog today...

I'll do more testing of the ​MikroTik RB911G-2HPnD-12S mANTBox this week and post the results.  Hopefully this (and 2 more) will be a good candidate for a permanent node installation.

Thanks for the help!!
K6AH's picture
3 Nodes on the same channel?
It sounds like you're thinking about setting up 3 collocated nodes on channel -2.  This will not work well... If you want to have a 360° coverage using sector antennas you will want to do it on 5GHz and on channels that have some frequency separation.

Andre, K6AH
kc8ufv's picture
This was just an initial
This was just an initial setup. Everyone we're working with at the moment has 2.4GHz equipment. Long term plans are to add 5GHz to the site, and get more permanent sites up, possibly with the 2.4 being repurposed elsewhere. 
11/18 Nightly Build
Just updated my ​MikroTik RB911G-2HPnD-12S mANTBox  with the 11/18/2019 nightly build and everything seems to work correctly.  We'll keep the forum updated on our testing of this radio.
Thanks for the help!
mAntBox 2HPnD verified working

Late in 2020 I installed NB firmware on three new Mikrotik mAntBox units (2HPnD) and got the “Untested Hardware” message after successfully booting the elf.  Logged into the units and added a section to with Mikrotik RouterBOARD RB911G-2HPnD (added “RB” prefix to 911G), and the untested msg disappeared.  Installed the sysupgrade.bin file, and after final config steps they are running fine.  This board string needs to be added to the firmware image to eliminate the "Untested Hardware" message.

I have been impressed with the Mikrotik mAntBox RB911G-2HPnD-12s so far.  The build quality seems more solid than many other units.  For example, the access door is quite substantial and is secured with a thumb screw.  I like the fact that the RB911G board is integrated with a well-shielded 12 dBi 120 deg sector antenna in a single enclosure that serves as the radome. It has two power input options (PoE or 5.5mm DC jack), and it takes the nand-large image which displays lots of free memory after flashing with AREDN firmware.  It also has 1W (30 dBm) RF output, dual-chain radio, and 10/100/1000 Ethernet port.  They only cost about $85, which seems like an attractive price point for everything you receive.

kc8ufv's picture
I'm seeing the same thing on
I'm seeing the same thing on the ones I just received. @AE6XE, I just created a pull request adding the updated model numbers to the pearlfunc file for both the 911 & 912 units....
AE6XE's picture
Code has been committed, will
Code has been committed, will be the build tonight, look for images available tomorrow Mar 27, 2021.

kc8ufv's picture
Thanks, Joe!
Thanks, Joe!
mANTBox 15s (RB921GS-5HPacD-15S)

A friend asked me to do an initial AREDN firmware flash on the mANTBox 15s (RB921GS-5HPacD-15S) unit, but this model doesn't appear to be listed on the supported platform matrix. I am thinking about trying the stable release but thought I'd ask here first.
Does anyone have any advice on whether or not this might work? Should a try a different build? If it doesn't work will I be running a risk of damaging it?

nc8q's picture
'ac' devices are not (yet) supported.
RB911G-2HPnD is supported.
RB921GS-5HPacD-15S is not supported.
Note the 'ac' in the model name.
I hope this helps,


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