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Mikrotik hAP AC3

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N6GKJ's picture
Mikrotik hAP AC3
I am looking at replacing my main node with the hAP ac3 device, but now I understand it only does 5GHz i was given bad information telling me it was a dual band 2.4/5 GHZ device. What is the real story here??

73, Ron
K6CCC's picture
The hAPac3 is a dual band
The hAPac3 is a dual band device.  AREDN mesh can be set up on either band, and WiFi (client or AP) can be set up on whatever other band is not being used for AREDN mesh.
I currently have my hAPac3 set up to AREDN mesh on 2 GHz and as a WiFi Access Point on 5 GHz.
Initially there were issues getting the AREDN mesh to work right on the negative channels on 2 GHz, but I think that got resolved.
N6GKJ's picture
The hAPac3 is a dual band
Ok ....
Thank you for the heads up. 
Question? you are using the second radio as a WiFi AP, is it on the AREDN network or sourced from your ISP Router?
K6CCC's picture
As I said, I am using the
As I said, I am using the 5GHz radio as an Access Point (not that it gets used much, but it is there...

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