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Mikrotik hAP ac lite

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Mikrotik hAP ac lite
Greetings all,
I am a newbie to all this mesh stuff. I have a decent IT background, yet things still cause me issues. THIS IS ONE OF THEM! I am working with a windows 11 pro machine. I have DL the current Aredn mesh software for the hAP ac lite and the tiny PXE server software as per the the instructions.
Completed the six steps in the install preparation phase with no problems.
Got to the point of starting the PXE server--OK and press the "online" button; 
on the node pressed the "reset" button and applied power.
the first couple of times I do see the "DoReadFile"text and release the reset button!!!!  PROBLEM There is nothing to tell me; How long to wait, or what message is displayed on the PXE window, No indication what I should expect to see when the node has finally read the firmware from the PXE... Thus my failure mode.. After many attempts of floundering, I did a Mikrotik hAP factory reset... NOW all I see on the PXE server is:
1:57:05 PM DHCPc:discovering for another DHCPd on LAN
1:57:05 PM ROOT=C:\Users\Russ\OneDrive\Documents\tiny PXE\tinypxeserver-main\tinypxeserver-main\pxesrv\files\
1:57:05 PM DHCPd started...
1:57:05 PM TFPTd started...
1:57:05 PM HTTPd:80 started...
1:57:10 PM DHCPc:no other DHCPd discovered
1:57:27 PM DHCPd:REQUEST received, MAC:78-9A-18-C3-7A-DE, XID:81B9D8D0
1:57:27 PM DHCPd:ACK sent, IP:, XID:81B9D8D0
2:04:07 PM DHCPd:REQUEST received, MAC:78-9A-18-C3-7A-DE, XID:1A7DA5F8
2:04:07 PM DHCPd:ACK sent, IP:, XID:1A7DA5F8
2:11:23 PM DHCPd:DISCOVER received, MAC:78-9A-18-C3-7A-DE, XID:C152C7B3
2:11:24 PM DHCPd:OFFER sent, IP:, XID:C152C7B3
2:11:24 PM DHCPd:REQUEST received, MAC:78-9A-18-C3-7A-DE, XID:C152C7B3
2:11:24 PM DHCPd:ACK sent, IP:, XID:C152C7B3

I think i broke it!!!!

Any help would be appreciated
Got to the point of starting
Got to the point of starting the PXE server--OK and press the "online" button; 
on the node pressed the "reset" button and applied power.
the first couple of times ???  I do see the "DoReadFile"text and release the reset button!!!!  PROBLEM There is nothing to tell me; How long to wait, or what message is displayed on the PXE window, No indication what I should expect to see when the node has finally read the firmware from the PXE... \\

It's sort of crazy.  Once you see DoReadFile pop up ... THAT's IT.  Release the reset button and turn off the Tiny PXE Server.  I hope you're not seeing multiple instances of DoReadFile which might mean you're holding the reset too long.  You are done, the file has uploaded and the node is busy for a while installing the first set of firmware.  Read further how you use ipconfig to see the node returning with a new ip address.

I think I broke it
ED,I did not see the part about " ONCE I SEE THE DoReadFile" to release the reset button. And after I did the factory reset I no longer see that instruction anywhere or any time. I was definitely holding the rest button down way to long. Russ

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