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Meshchat, what am I missing?

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KK4LXY's picture
Meshchat, what am I missing?

I've gone through pages of the Forum, Github and the new Troubleshooting pages, to hopefully find answers, so before I go through a reflash. 

I have 2 Nodes setup with the following. 

Firmware 3.23.12 on Node 1 and 2 

Meshchat 2.12.0 installed on Node 1 

Using a Windows PC, connected to the LAN port, with no errors during installation. Both nodes can see each other, both show Meshchat on the mesh status page under services, highlighted in red. I've tried numerus settings in Advertised Services, 

From Installing MeshChat - MeshChat (master) 


accessed by http://<your_node_name>:8080/meshchat 

The instructions have you setting it to "localnode" 





A web page will open, and will show, “Cannot reach the page and time out” or “Not available on this server”. 

I have 4 Nodes running BBHN, with Hamchat without issue, so I wouldn't consider myself a Newbie, but not an IT guy. 

Thank you for any assistance. 




So back up the bus ...
So back up the bus ...

Are you trying to install MeshChat on a node itself, or on a computer attached to the LAN of a node?  If you simply put MeshChat on a node by uploading the package, it configures itself.  You don't have to mess with anything. 

Good morning, should have
Good morning, should have gotten back to you yesterday.

I can not decipher some of what you are saying. No where in any of the documentation do I even reference localnode. Can you give me a pointer to where this is? If there is something misleading in the documentation, please let me know so that I can address it.

Secondly, on the installation page the path to the configuration file is /www/cgi-bin/meshchat_local.lua not /cgi-bin/meshchat_local.lua. You need to create this file if you need to configure the installation of MeshChat. Most installations on nodes don't need to tweek the configuration.

Again, it is not clear what you are seeing or not seeing. A little more information or a screen shot of an error would be helpful here.

I am not sure why you are trying to reference any of the cgi-bin scripts. Did something tell you to try to invoke a cgi-bin directly? The only real access to MeshChat should be http://<NODENAME>:8080/meshchat/.

It is not entirely clear if you have one or two instances of MeshChat and the problem is that you can not get two instances to sync the message database. Again, please expand upon what the problem you are having.

On a side note, you are welcome to join FLMesh to get connected to all the other mesh networks through our supernodes. KG4UMC is also in Brooksville and he may be willing to provide a tunnel or you can tunnel back to me. Your firmware level is the minimum that we accept on FLMesh so that your nodes will work with the supernodes. You are also welcome to join the list we have--just search for FLMesh.

Gerard, WTØF

KK4LXY's picture
Good morning,

I’d have to research where I got the information, I do not suggest that the documentation isn't correct, as mentioned I've gone through pages of the Forum, Github and the new Troubleshooting pages copying links that might assist me in solving the issue. I have two nodes, one node has meshchat-api_2.12.0_all.ipk installed and no errors during installation. But, no matter how I've setup the Advertised Services, and go to the status page of either node, it shows up on both, yet when I click on Meschat, a web page opens with “Cannot reach the page and times out” or “Not available on this server”.  

Hope this makes things a little clearer, sorry for the confusion. Attached is a PDF of the set-up page   

Thank you, for your time and assistance 


Ted, KK4LXY 

OK, A little clearer now.
OK, A little clearer now. Thank you.

I looked at the screen dump that you provided and it looks perfectly fine.

ARG!!!! I just saw the issue. You have the API package loaded and not the full MeshChat distribution. The API package only gets loaded on a node when using the v1 version of MeshChat on a Linux machine or Raspberry Pi. I am hoping that I will be able to kill off that package in the next release when I will have the v2 MeshChat running on Linux directly.

OK. All you need to do is uninstall the existing MeshChat package from your node and then install meshchat_2.12.0_all.ipk on the node. I believe if you leave the service entry alone it will just start working the way you expect it to.

Gerard, WT0F

BTW, you are always invited to join FLMesh to be able to connect to the growing number of mesh networks out there. Just give a yell. You can find my email up on QRZ. 
KK4LXY's picture
Ok, now I have a direction

Ok, now I have a direction 

I knew that something wasn’t right, I don’t reach out unless I've run out of options. After grasping at straws, at times. 

This weekend I’ll remove the meshchat api, and install the file I downloaded from the link. Should that not work, I’ll reflash then reinstall and let you know how it goes. 

I'll contact you by e-mail as to the FLMesh invite, sounds interesting. But first, I need to get things straightened out and get a few more nodes set-up. 

Thank you for your time and assistance, have a good weekend! You improved mine. 


Ted, KK4LXY 

KK4LXY's picture
Issue, resolved
That took care of it, as said, I knew that something wasn't right just didn't know what. Also, I've joined the FLmesh group and printed the Best Practices Document, so I can set-up the nodes as they should be.

Again, Thank you for your time and assistance



Excellent! Figured it would.
Excellent! Figured it would.

When you are ready, give a yell over the FLMesh mailing list and an IP tunnel can be setup for you. I know that KG4UMC has been quite busy for the past couple of months but has indicated that he should be freeing up soon. I will contact him to see if he wants to build out the tunnel. Depending upon both of your locations it may be an opportunity to build an RF link and start getting others involved with AREDN out there in the Brooksville area.

You have reminded me that I need to go back and review the best practices document. I am sure there are some updates and new info that needs to be incorporated. Thank you for the tickler!

Gerard, WT0F
In the interest in sharing,
In the interest in sharing, anyone following this thread or that comes across it in the future is welcome to access the best practice document referenced above. Whether to use for ideas or incorporate into your own groups best practices. If you find something missing or have ideas, please feel free to contact me with them.

The best practices document can be found at
KK4LXY's picture
Beep, Beep, Beep (Bus backing up)

Sorry if I wasn't clear, I have Meshchat 2.12.0 installed on 1 Node. And not trying to install it on a computer. I didn’t see any errors during installation, the issue is accessing the web page. I've tried numerous settings but haven’t been able to access it. 

Looks like I may have to reflash,  

Thank you for your reply 



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