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MeshChat on tunnel client

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MeshChat on tunnel client
Is it possible to run MeshChat on a tunnel client? I tried it, but the Package Management Upload button in the Administration  page is disabled, with an adjacent note "Disabled: Tunnels enabled". I aim to install the API package on a MikroTik hAP ac lite.
Here's how: Disable all the
Here's how: Disable all the tunnels; that is un-check all the Enabled boxes in Setup > Tunnel Client. Then upload the MeshChat package, and re-enable all the tunnels.
K6CCC's picture
Use caution.

Note, obviously that works only if you have local access to the node.  If your only connectivity to that node is via a tunnel, disabling tunnels will kill your access to the node - including the ability to turn the tunnel back on.

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