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Mesh maps

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Mesh maps
Since installing the new nightly ui, I have noticed that Eugene and Florence Oregon nodes do not show up on the map.  We used to show up on the legacy map, but now we are no where to be found.  Any thoughts about why?
w6bi's picture
Legacy Map
The only ways to remove nodes from the legacy map is to either reregister them with no lat/lon, or have the admin pull them out of the database.    I don't see them on the World Map either, but don't know if they're connected that way.

Orv W6BI
Since the World mesh map is
Since the World mesh map is broken,  I plugged it the WVMM fro AI7NC.  It works fine for Oregon.

w6bi's picture
How is the World Map broken?  What doesn't work?
Orv W6BI
World Map
Chris -

For you nodes to make it to the New AREDN World Map, there are two conditions.  The first is that the node names must have format CALLSIGN-something.  The second is that they must be linked by rf or tunnels to a Supernode.  We went through this on our local mesh yesterday.  Once we got it fixed, the node and its tunnel link appeared on the next release of the New World Map.

Getting on the Legacy map requires that your nodes have Internet access, then you click the Upload data to AREDN Servers button on the Basic Setup page.

-Tim K5RA
Locally generated and served
Locally generated and served maps are working, and so long as you observe the naming rules so are the global maps.

The issue for me is that I have no interest in seeing every node around the world, only what might impact me as I plan and aim locally.  So I go into the settings and redirect to a local map.  This loads much faster and also will still be available when we actually need it when the internet dies and we cannot reach the global map.

However, it is interesting now and then to see what is going on as it relates to the larger community, so knowing how to find either the world map or the local map is a very important skill.  I don't know why Kirk's 2 hr map has not been working lately, that was really useful.  Perhaps he is still having server issues.


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