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M5 XW Help

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M5 XW Help
Trying to connect a NanoM5 XW to a GS105E switch and have a useable gateway to the internet (emergencies only). The switch is configured for 3 nodes and 1 wan port. I have connected the switch to the "main" port of the Nano and it sees the computer and other devices but no internet  I have connected the switch to the "secondary" port and it will not see the computer or other devices. Any suggestions????

Doug, N0DAJ
K5DLQ's picture
it takes 2 cables for this
it takes 2 cables for this device.  Primary port is for LAN traffic on the switch.  The secondary port should be connected to the switch for DTD (VLAN2) and WAN access (VLAN1).
Thanks Darrel
Thanks Darrel

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