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Linking VHF Repeaters via AREDN

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Linking VHF Repeaters via AREDN
Has anyone used AREDN to link VHF repeaters?  Nothing found in the search.
There are a couple of mountain top repeaters that we would like to link with low power usage.
Any "how to's " appreciated.

Vance, kc8rgo
KE2N's picture
linking repeaters

If you use repeater controllers designed for VOIP audio and control, it is easy.
See for example:
I know there are a number of these linked by access-point/station types of microwave links. Not sure about mesh.
Digital repeaters (DSTAR, DMR. P25 etc) are already designed for network linking. 
The only concern about I have about mesh is that once you get more than about 3 hops, the variable latency is going to start showing up in the audio throughput. A TDM network might be a better choice if the repeaters in question cannot all "see" each other within one hop.


N2MH's picture
I link AllStar based nodes together with no problem, both pc-based and BeagleBone Black versions. If you want to link them together without going back to the "public" AllStar network, you have a little extra and custom configuration to do because they are then "private" nodes. But they will work and work well.
Simultaneous Allstar node and SIP
Hi Mark:

I was wondering if you can operate both SIP Phones and Private Allstar Nodes on the same server?

T.J. -
kg9dw's picture
D-STAR yes, analog no
I've got two D-STAR repeaters running over the mesh. It works quite nice...and one of the repeaters is two hops from an internet connection. Consistent latency (low jitter) is of high importance. If you have a link that is borderline on quality, you'll be in trouble.

I've not tried to use any of the VoIP hardware to provide a link between two analog boxes, but it would be possible. 

I have done a little experimentation with Yaesu's FUSION WIRES protocol - it would work fine over the mesh as well. For all of these, if you want inbound linking to a node that isn't the mesh gateway you'll need to do SNAT/DNAT custom rules in your mesh gateway's firewall config file.
We need to do a little more
We need to do a little more analysis, but believe we can do the linking direct tower to tower.
I was asked the question by our county Emergency Manager.  I will see what repeaters are installed and then how to do the interface.

K7OPA's picture
Hi Vance (kc8rgo) - any
Hi Vance (kc8rgo) - any update on this project?
I use One
I use One network hop (mesh to mesh).. I use IAX not SIP..
I know there is a group that
I know there is a group that does link analog and digital repeaters over their hsmm links in Michigan.
West Michigan Technical Group / mi6wan

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