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Leagacy Tunnls

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Leagacy Tunnls
Under the statement under Enhancements and Fixes in the Home Page;
  • NOTE: in the distant future, legacy tunnels will be completely removed. Migrate to Wireguard tunnels now and avoid the rush :-) They’re way better anyway.

Will this also be applied to regular AREDN Nodes or to only Supernodes?

Harmen, VE3EMA
K6CCC's picture
All nodes.  
All nodes.
k1ky's picture
Legacy Tunnels - All nodes
That kinda sucks.  Any possibility of at least keeping the 5525 Port for multiple WireGuard Tunnel connections so we don't have to fool with our internet router port forwarding settings?
w6bi's picture
Wireguard tunnels
The Wireguard VPN expects a separate port per tunnel, so probably not.   Most firewalls will port forward a range of ports so you at least don't have to forward them individually.
And,dropping legacy tunnels is a LONG way off.

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