Nightly Build 1036 is a bit of a milestone for the development team. It's the first version to be completely free of the Perl language and all the libraries that support it.
If you intend to install it, check it closely and post any bugs. Note, Perl versions are no longer available for screen comparisons as they have been the last few weeks.
Have at it! Looking forward to your comments.
The AREDN Team
Great job, guys!!!!!!!1
73 de Leo IZ5FSA
seems to work fine..
Richard ko0ooo
Orv W6BI
Richard ko0ooo
I tried aredn-1042-ad78e07-ath79-generic-tplink_cpe220-v2-squashfs-sysupgrade.bin on my TP-Link 220-v2 and it loaded ok except for the wan ports.
They had no addresses and of course could not be accessed.
I have attached the support data.
I reloaded aredn- again ok no problem.
Hope this information may be of use to you.
I flashed my microtik ac lite and glinet gl-ar150 ok with 1042 ok no problems.
After loading nightly build 1070, I'm unable to save any settings. I've attached a screen capture of the errors. Using Win 10 pro. I'm also unable to load the TP-Link recover file to restore the node to factor settings.
Configuration Not Saved!
usr/bin/lua: /usr/lib/lua/aredn/hardware.lua:76: attempt to compare string with number stack traceback:

usr/lib/lua/aredn/hardware.lua:76: in function 'wifi_maxpower' /usr/local/bin/node-setup:452: in main chunk [C]: ?
Thanks for the catch/post. We believe we've fixed this and will be coming out in the next nightly.