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Intertested in starting AREDN in Belize

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Intertested in starting AREDN in Belize
LIke I said my club Belize Amatuer Radio Club (BARC) have been discussing starting some emmcom mesh networking here.  One issue is equipment, while there are few odd ubiqiti devices running around, expense kills it!  Think $50 USD then double that for Belize dollar so $100 then add the BS charges and PROFIT of 300-1000% !!!!  So in the end it ends up costing $495 USD for a 50 buck item!!! Belizeans overvalue any electronic item - so much so I can buy a brand new macbook air for $3000 from 2012!  sigh, I know first world problems.  Even  a three or four year old windows dell $299 special is $2500!  TV's lets not start...

So we all have some mish mash of gear that will run openwrt, I have two Meraki MR18 that I have put on openwrt those have 128MB of RAM and an tp-link wr841 with 32MB.    
For those I what packages would I  use?  Just add the repository and call it a day?
What makes AREDN firmware special?  I know it is built on chaos calmer then packages added, I am sure those have pre-configs built in. 

Sorry just grasping the fine details.  

Thanks and sorry if I am way off base.
AE6XE's picture
"What makes AREDN firmware
"What makes AREDN firmware special?"

The wireless driver has been modified to add additional channels only in ham radio (out side of the unlicensed wifi space).  This gets out of the noise and enables longer distance links and/or higher data through put.    Secondly, the assignment of IP addresses, exchanging of routing information, hostnames, and advertised services is packaged-automated so there is no further coordination required to build the network with everyone contributing equipment and participating.  You don't have to be an IT guru to get started and keep it working.

wa2ise's picture
Does Belize's FCC allow hams
Does Belize's FCC allow hams on channel -2 and -1?  (2397, 2402MHz)?  Or anywhere around 2.4GHz? Doing a quick google search I found which says
2380.000 - 2400.000 Fixed WLL – Reserved
2400.000 - 2430.00 Fixed Service
and no mention of any ham band.  Don't know what "WLL" is....
K6AH's picture
IARU Band Plan

You would likely need to overlay the IARU Region 2 Band Plan to understand how this is broken up.

Andre, K6AH
Yes follow region 2 band plan

WLL= wireless local loop :
Yes follow region 2 band plan.  The doc mentioned was a really old one the public utilities commission put out.   Since that time we (BARC) have been accepted into the IARU and have educated the PUC on matters of frequency control, enforcement and radio direction finding, with that they are fully following the R2 band plan.  There are some people still using whatever they want for business traffic.
It was very fun to put up our repeater on 146.600 and had complaints from 6 resorts that had radios there, we passed the number of the inspector to them so they could make a formal complaint and guess which 6 resort decided rather than a fine for no frequency spectrum license and illegally imported radios to pay the duty and get the licenses.  They are over on the business bands now.

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