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inexpensive audio streaming

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N8NQH's picture
inexpensive audio streaming

Yes, this is in the VoIP section... for a reason.
For  meshies like me who are not  IT guru's, I cringe at any new task that may require a server computer or pi  to be set up and kept running 24hrs/day,   I am just not versed in this server magic like many of you  are smiley

I was looking for a way to encode  analog audio onto mesh, and ended up modifying a Grandstream VoIP phone to act as the audio encoding device.  I added an external audio input jack:

The way it's working is that when anyone on our grid VoIP dials this phones IP address or PBX number, the Grandstream auto-answers and its  inputted external audio is heard by the caller.  Right now I am using  a Radio Shack weather radio as the external audio source.  Calls made to this phone end up hearing a live NWS broadcast.  But you can use any audio source you want.

I imagine there are different ways to do this; my experimentation is only one of the possibilities.  I placed the details on my web page if you're interested:

Two things:
1. You say it has a PBX number. Doesn't that mean there's a server computer or pi running 24/7?
2. The phone itself is also a server computer, and it only works when it's plugged in. 

I'm not trying to shut you down or anything at all. I'm just trying to understand what differentiates this from what you're saying makes you cringe.
N8NQH's picture
one of our local meshies (JJ)

one of our local meshies (JJ) operates  a mesh PBX; I wouldn't know how to!!!

Though;   I would say that the bulk of our areas  calls are done via IP dialing and not through the PBX.  Each locale is different, obviously.


Alright. I still fail to see
Alright. I still fail to see how that IP phone is different from a Raspberry Pi doing the same thing.
al0y's picture
As someone who can be called

As someone who can be called an IT Guru, and very familiar with setting up servers, I still believe this is very smart.

We don't have to re-invent the wheel. running a server 24/7 is not the problem in most cases. it's maintaining the software packages and insuring compatability of software with the operating system (Raspbian in this case, I believe) while also maintaning the hardware for inputting and outputting the audio stream. 

Doing that can be a bit intimidating even to the so-called Gurus. 

Going for a piece of hardware (the grandstream phone in this case) that pretty much is built to do THIS EXACT JOB is nothing but smartness. 
There is a reason why KISS "Keep it simple, stupid" is a thing.... We don't need to re-invent the wheel.

Thanks for sharing this with us.

73 de AL0Y

N8NQH's picture
good night
good night.
al0y's picture
I just noticed the following

I just noticed the following in your webpage with the details of what you did: 

earlier you mentioned that this VoIp method "did not meet some of my original goals"

Yep. First off... I wanted this analog audio source to be played back via a computers browser and built-in audio/speakers. This VoIP method does require a VoIP telephone to access the audio stream.
Secondly, I wanted this audio stream to be able to be heard by multiple devices simultaneously (which an IP addressed situation should allow). This VoIP method is a one-at-a-time operation. Through a PBX though... you might be able to allow conference calling to this phone extension.

I am still on the lookout for a cheap (stand-alone) audio encoding device that can be heard via browser access; for now this will have to do.

If you are still interested in building this solution, I believe I should be able to help. contact me via email "" and let's talk.

N8NQH's picture

but... i just located a device that should meet all my original goals; including being under $100.  If it works out then  I won't need to do this streaming over VoIP.

If this next venture falls short, I'll drop you a line !

al0y's picture
No problem, Tim... 
No problem, Tim... 

Please make sure to share your work with us regardless. It is always good to learn new stuff. 

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