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Hosting a webSDR????

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KW4JLB's picture
Hosting a webSDR????
Has anyone hosted a WebSDR on a Raspberry Pi using an RTL-SDR v3 or similar SDR? I have done other SDR stuff on a pi, but no idea how I could host a WebSDR to run on AREDN. 
kc8ufv's picture
I've not done it, but it'd be
I've not done it, but it'd be just like running one on the web. When sharing the service, point it to the web interface of the device hosting it. That'll make it available to the AREDN Mesh network it's being hosted on.
KW4JLB's picture
Yea the real question is what
Yea the real question is what platform would you run on a machine (like a Pi) to offer that web interface on AREDN. I am wondering if OpenWebRX would do it. I need another Pi as a dev machine to find out
w6bi's picture

We run OpenWebRX on an RPI4 at a mesh site on our network.  As you'd suspect, it works well at an elevated site.

Orv W6BI

KW4JLB's picture
Awesome. I was thinking as I
Awesome. I was thinking as I grow the network here it might be cool to setup a UHF/VHF SDR and an HF SDR on the mesh network. Just trying to think of ways to add value to the network as it gets built and established to help draw interest and feed other people ideas. 
kj6dzb's picture
I have a number if SDRs

I have a number of SDRs running on the mesh. 1 RTL V3 with 2m filter and preamp for my RPI4 based SatNOGS station TA-1 antenna. A second antenna path with LNA for all powered by hack RF and split to a generic RTL. I use ShinySDR. I run ShinySDR on a i7 with SSd drives and a 16gb of ram. Another RTL v3 is dedicated to a RPI 2b+ were Im using a PIWxRX to routh the rtl_fm audio to a SIP ip phone extension. So you can dial in and hear any thing rtl_fm will demodulate. 


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