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Ham Networking Chat room

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w6bi's picture
Ham Networking Chat room
Sometimes forums, email and FB groups aren't enough - you need answers NOW :-) Sometimes you just need to discuss something. That's where chat channels are most valuable.
There are all sorts of mesh networking chat servers scattered around, but a national/global one might be useful (the 'networking' effect).
With that in mind, we're offering up our Mattermost server for that purpose.
It's on the Internet, but also linked regionally in Southern California with a Mattermost instance in Ventura County, and another one farther south in Southern California. It's also linked to a series of IRC servers in the area.
There are already 47 user accounts on it, and maybe up to a dozen people logged on all the time.
If you're in Southern California and on the mesh network, you can join at http://kg6wxc-srv.local.mesh:8065/login (Ventura/L.A. County) or http://kk6ort-debian.local.mesh:1001 (Orange County and points south)
If you'd like to join us via the Internet Mattermost instance, drop me an email and I'll send you an invite.
Those are browser URLs, but Mattermost has clients available for Windows, MacOS, Linux, IOS and Android. They can be more convenient to use than a web browser. And if you install one of the phone clients, you can stay in touch with your mesh networking buddies from anywhere
kg6wxc's picture
The internet server URL
Orv forgot to add the Internet Mattermost server URL, it is:

If anyone would like an invite please let Orv or I know.
I am sorry it is not open to just create new accounts at will, but it's kept us free from the riff-raff so far! :)
KC2MVB's picture
May I ask a question or two?

May I ask a question or two?

I'm new to all of this still and have a ton to learn..  I've started what appears to be the only mesh in my county but have Synchronet BBS server running on a Pi right now.  IRC server is running too.  Is that what Mattermost is?  I also have two BBS's running (two different packages) not on the mesh that I would offer up also if anyone wants to (if you want to stay off of the mesh anyway).  I think I can finally join my love for running a BBS and Ham Radio finally! :)

73, Dean, KC2MVB

w6bi's picture
Mattermost, etc.
Dean, Mattermost is a text chat service, very much like Slack.  Unlike IRC, it supports image posting.  It has a web client, and apps for Windows, MacOS, Linux IOS, and Android.   Most "meshers" in our area have moved off of IRC onto the Mattermost servers.   We currently have almost 50 accounts on the server, and at any given time between a half dozen and a dozen hams will be hanging out there.

Hope this helps.
Orv W6BI
KC2MVB's picture
Awesome!  Thanks..  I will
Awesome!  Thanks..  I will have to go and check it out I guess.  One more thing to add to my list lol

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