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Grandstream to Dlink

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Grandstream to Dlink
So, I can talk with my grandstream to another grandstream with direct IP dialing. But, when I try to call a dlink phone (or the dlink calls me) it will ring through but there is no audio.

I have, most of the time, over 95% LQ and NLQ.  I am also able to do video calls to other grandstreams.

Any suggestions?


K5DLQ's picture
ensure that both phones are
ensure that both phones are using the same codec
N2MH's picture
Check Ports Also

This may not be applicable in this instance since one phone can ring another, but on multi-line phones, make sure that at least one account is set to port 5060 (standard sip prt). Multi-line (multi-account) phones have different ports associated with each line. This is how incoming calls know which button to show up on.

K5DLQ's picture
've set the preferred codec

I've set the preferred codec on my grandstreams to G729A/B. Seems to work better with Linphone and Cisco phones.

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