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GL-iNet question

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GL-iNet question
Hopefully someone can save me a step and sanity by simply asking this question? I see on the supported devices the GL.iNet GL-AR150 is in the researching phase. I have a couple ar300m (shadow) laying around and was wondering if the two models are close enough to try and and install on it? I know they are two different routers but I figured maybe a long shot there was a chance. Then I figured maybe I will just ask and save myself trouble if someone knew already? Any advice?
K5DLQ's picture
you can take a look at the
you can take a look at the discussion that occurred to get the GL-AR150 working here:

K9CQB has graciously donated an AR300 to AREDN to get this model under support.   That work will occur over the next few weeks.

K9CQB's picture
The AR300M and AR150 are very different, but...
Darryl is spot on.
The GL-AR300M and GL-AR300M16 (both nicknamed 'Shadow') use the QCA9531 SoC whereas the GL-AR150 uses the AR9331 SoC.
The AR300 is a 2x2 MIMO device, whereas the AR150 is a single antenna SISO device.
I sent both the AR300M (128 NAND/128 RAM, $45)  and the cheaper AR300M16 (16 NOR/128 RAM, $27) to one of our lead developers. Because there is so much development behind these routers, I don't think it will take long to get them up. 
I think these devices are 10 times better than the AR150 for AREDN because more powerful and have MIMO. If you're buying for AREDN only buy the version with external antennas. You'll be surprised how adding a 18dBi panel to this tiny 20dBm device can make this thing reach out.
Note: if you have the AR300MD it will likely not be supported, although it looks identical.

-Damon K9CQB

Yea it's the ar300m not md. I
Yea it's the ar300m not md. I also have the external antenna. Got a set for half off from new egg a while back. Was going to use it to tinker with but it just sat in it's box. If arden comes to the device I figured I would finally use them :)
Re: The AR300M and AR150 are very different

The QCA9531 in the AR300 uses the ath10k driver, complete with binary blob - the problem with this is that I am pretty sure that it does not (yet) work on channels -1 & -2...
I do not know what the likelihood is of a crack or reverse engineer of the binary blob in the near future, that will enable channels -1 & -2. Presumably, to keep the FCC happy (re: locked down wifi), Qualcomm won't want channels -1 & -2 to be enabled.

Channel is not a big deal for
Channel is not a big deal for me atm. I am more looking for a way to experiment cheaply, and since I already have the travel routers it's hard to beat the price of $0. I'm not quite ready for a full blown node as there are no listed in my area so a cheap tinker arrou d my house/neighborhood set up is all I need for now. I will just have to wait the ar150 or usb150 reach a stable status I think.
Amazing stuff...
Amazing stuff... Will be following.
wa2ise's picture
on the off chance that you

on the off chance that you can get to my node on an AREDN network, I have a page

It shows how I used a GL-AR150 as a web page server, where the html and image files are on the USB stick.  I could present more info if you can't get there if anyone is interested. 

WU2S's picture
Yes please post the details
Thanks for the the helpful information.
When you have the time Bob, could you start a new thread and post your information in the Forum?
With the growing interest in this device, I think that a lot of people would find your ideas very useful.
Re: GL-AR150 webserver

WA2ISE, I was able to access your page and it is interesting.
Considering that I have been able to custom build AREDN with support for USB, FAT fs, etc and manually mount a USB key and read files from it etc, It looks like it should be possible to also host pages from a mesh node (with USB) which is running AREDN firmware - I'll have to give it a try sometime.
Also, I think that it would be neat to be able to run something like on an AREDN node as a file transfer service.

K5DLQ's picture
I generally discourage
I generally discourage installing other packages on the node directly due to increased memory, cpu, and flash usage.   I recommend letting the node perform it's primary function (routing) and an external device (Pi) to provide services....
Unable to flash GL.iNet AR300M

Apologies, earlier I posted a question  in the wrong section

I'm posting  it again and hopefully  in the correct posting section

I tried to flash my new black GL.iNET AR300M (w/external antenna)
Followed the instructions and used GL.iNET internal software to upload the latest AREDN firmware.
I also  made sure to uncheck  "keep setting" during upload

However no matter what I tried, an error saying.... " uploaded image file does not contain a supported format. ........."

not sure if I need to do something before uploading the  ARDEN file ? or if my AR300M (black with 2 ext antenna) is  not compatible ?

Nasrat - K1NAR

nc8q's picture
AR300M16 .vs. AR300M


 You may have the AR300M and not the AR300M16.

I hope this helps,

Image Attachments: 
Use for this device?

Background: I have been reading about AREDN and had a friend in another city show me using a Nanostation to access the network.  This makes sense to me as it has a directional antenna and can be mounted on a mast to reach a more distant node.  I have an AR300M16-ext that is left over from an earlier project, and I successfully flashed it to run Firmware version and it seems to be functioning just fine.  I am waiting for a local ham to send me the credentials needed to connect it as a tunnel client to join the local net as they are also working to put a node on a tower for RF coverage.

Question: what is the use case for a device like the AR300M16-ext as an AREDN node?  Its antennas would seem to be useful only for connecting with other local nodes rather than being a node on a tower or other more useful RF nets.  What can I use this node for?

KE0RSX's picture
My understanding is that
My understanding is that these are meant to be a bridge between your mesh and your home network. Typically it's for allowing you to create tunnels, as the concept of the mesh is to be independent of the Internet (although quite a few, including our group, use it to provide Internet access to the local mesh).

Have a great day. :)

P.S. One other use is the external antennas might have just enough range to connect to a mesh node outside of a building, which allows the GL.Inet to provide access to devices inside the building. Still a bridge, but between a Part 15 router and the mesh instead of the mesh and the Internet.
nc8q's picture
GL-iNet-[AR300M16*]: use case

I use my GL-iNet-AR300M16 to 'tunnel home' from remote locations (with Wi-Fi access).
I set it up as a 'Wi-Fi' client and connect to a local Wi-Fi Access Point and use the LAN
port to connect to my laptop.
I can thus access all local AREDN services available from my home local AREDN network.
I have a 'soft-phone' app on my laptop, so I can send and receive local network PBX calls.

If you can connect its WAN port to a Wi-Fi router with internet access,
then its radio port can be configured as an Access Point. Then a laptop
can connect as a Wi-Fi client and have tunnel access to home or other tunnel neighbor(s).
"Its antennas would seem to be useful only for connecting with other local nodes rather than being a node on a tower or other more useful RF nets."

Actually, since it is an indoor rated device, it is impractical to be used on a tower or anywhere outdoors.
I notice that, on the AREDN Mesh Network Map, there are no local area (Chatanooga) outdoor devices shown. :-|
I also notice that all the local area devices on that map are 2.4 GHz devices.
There is only 1 Amateur Radio clear channel in the 2.4 GHz band and its maximum bandwidth is 1/2 the standard bandwidth.
If your area chooses to 'put a node on a tower for RF coverage', I suggest to use 5 GHz devices.
It is a simple matter to use the GL-iNet (+AirRouter) devices to link with an outdoor rated AREDN device and then provide
WAN, DtD, and LAN access to your indoor items (desktop, laptop, IP-phone, Raspberry Pi, ...).

I hope this helps,



Thanks for your thoughts as this helps me understand what is going on.  We are working in Chattanooga to get a tower mounted outdoor device installed and hope that will happen soon.

GLiNet 300m16
 When you connect remotely
I use my GL-iNet-AR300M16 to 'tunnel home' from remote locations (with Wi-Fi access).
Are you connecting with a phone hot-spot? or Directly to a WiFi router..

Brian AC9XU
I don't know what Chuck will
I don't know what Chuck will have to say, but I have one of the 300M16 devices and can share;

It's super useful on the road to use available wifi to tunnel back to my home AREDN network.  I have a tunnel setup for this device and use it at my office, and have used in in hotels etc to be able to get onto mesh.  As I don't have wired ethernet access to switches on other people's networks, I can use the available wifi and configure the radio to be a wifi client, then cable ethernet LAN direct to my laptop.  If I had a hAP ac lite with me on the road, I could do the same and provide LAN to my laptop either with wifi or with a cable.  What is nice about the 300M16 is it is tiny, and uses USB power so I don't have to search for a power outlet to run it from.

I do however regret not spending a little more money and getting a slightly upscale version of the same.  The newer and a bit more $ versions have both 2.4 and 5 ghz radio ability.  The 300M16 is affordable but only has 2.4 so in some wifi areas you cannot connect to what is being provided.  I had to add 2.4 to my office wifi network to be able to use this at my office.  So I'd spend a bit more money to have the 5ghz available.

nc8q's picture
Directly to a WiFi router.
Directly to a Wi-Fi router.
Image Attachments: 
Several project ideas for a low power indoor node

Herbert, here's a link to a YouTube video that describes several things you might do with nodes like the AR150 and AR300M16.  Not sure if this is what you're looking for, but maybe it will spark some ideas.

Thanks for the link to this
Thanks for the link to this video.  It has given me e much better understanding of what this device can do.  It appears that it can do a lot!!
I have flashed it with I have set up tunnel client. I am not able to get it to connect with the tunnel server. I have it connected to the internet modem.
Is it possible to get it to connect, if so, what may I be overlooking?

Thank you for any info
KE0RSX's picture
What tunnel server are you trying to connect to?

I have flashed it with I have set up tunnel client. I am not able to get it to connect with the tunnel server. I have it connected to the internet modem.
Is it possible to get it to connect, if so, what may I be overlooking?

Thank you for any info

What tunnel server are you trying to connect to? If it's on the same network as your mesh, it most likely won't work. If you want to try and connect to our mesh (and are in the US), you can send me a message here with your email and the exact name of your node. 

On the tunnel server, you have to put the exact name of the client node for the "Client" the exact password that both the client and server are using for the "password" and then it will give you a network. Click Add and put the check in the enabled box. Then save. On the client, you have to put the IP Address or domain name of the server, the password sent to you by the server host, and the network information sent to you by the server host. Then click Add and put a check in the enabled box. Save and refresh a couple of times. If it worked, the cloud should turn blue with an arrow in it.

Have a great evening. :)

Thank you for your reply.
I am serving two other islands as they try to find an RF connection. I want to use this 300M as a portable connection.

Thank you

KE0RSX's picture
So, if you have a router
So, if you have a router between the modem and this node, you'll have to forward the appropriate ports to the node (and give it a static IP address on your router). Then, set up the RF islands on the tunnel server section of setup. The same rules apply. You have to put their exact node name in, along with the password. And then send them the information, along with the network information.

I sent you an email with the tunnel information for our server. 

Have a great night. :)

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