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Get DtD services working

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KG4FJC's picture
Get DtD services working
Hello all,
   Diving deep into AREDN and we are planning on putting both a 2.4 and 5.8 pair of ubiquiti M2/M5 sector antennas up on a mountian top. Any way, I have both nodes up and going and they can "see" each other over the LAN. When viewing either one, you see the other listed and can goto it fine. I have the 5.8ghz node setup first and it is the DHCP
. This node also has a webcam (motioneye pi) configured in services and works great. What i'm trying to do is have the same services on both nodes but I can't figure out why no other IPs are listed on the 2.4 node? I am not a network guy so basic stuff still stumbles me. Could anyone advise please?
kc8ufv's picture
Basically, that's exactly how
Basically, that's exactly how it is supposed to work. You'll only advertise the service from one node. Each node will have it's LAN segment with a separate IP range. In this case, it sounds like it ison the 5G node's address space, so that's the node that would advertise it. Anything connected out from the 2.4ghz node, be it local on that node's address space, or via another node, will route through the 2.4 GHz node, out vlan2 for DtD linking to the 5 GHz node, and out to the service advertised. The return traffic will take a similar trip. In order to advertise the service from both nodes, you'll need to have your service have multiple IP addresses, one on each of the nodes' LAN segments.
KG4FJC's picture
Thanks for the reply!
Thanks for the reply! Currently using a dumb switch but looks like i need to learn VLAN stuff. As i'm looking at the default 2.4 page, it doesn't matter as the service is listed next to the 5g node and all it takes is a direct click there. Thanks again, I was over thinking it.
K6CCC's picture
Some dumb switches will pass
Some dumb switches will pass VLAN tagged traffic without messing it up, and some won't.  The dumb switch that I have here at home for my DtD traffic does just fine with the VLAN 2 for DtD.  If I were to plug a device other than a node into the switch, I would get an address off the Rocket M3 that plugs into the switch because it is the only node that has the LAN on the same physical port as the DtD (the other two are Mikrotik hAP based nodes).

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