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Gateway WAN status detection

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Gateway WAN status detection
Do gateway nodes have the ability to detect the status of the WAN connection and if down, inform other nodes to use a different gateway? If so, what is the method of detecting a down WAN connection? (eg. layer 1 link status, successful DHCP, ping, etc.)
nc8q's picture
gateway nodes
What is a 'gateway node' and what purpose does its WAN connection serve?
Hopefully not:
"Allow other MESH nodes to use my WAN - not recommended and OFF by default"

73, Chuck

That is exactly what I'm
That is exactly what I'm referring to. One of our key use cases is to transit DMR repeater traffic from a site without internet to another site that does.
Not really
Back to the topic... Unfortunately the nodes really aren't smart enough to sense a WAN connection outage, particularly if the ethernet link is up but the routing towards the internet has failed which is what will almost always be the case. You'd have to involve a smart outbound proxy server(s) (unlikely to be supported by hardware DMR repeaters), some sort of encapsulation or alternate routing that ignores OLSR's route selections, or status monitoring making programatic changes to the share-my-WAN button on the nodes somehow.
nc8q's picture
DMR repeaters
Oh, so DMR repeaters require internet access to communicate with each other.
I didn't know that.
Is there a system in place to keep others from using encrypted traffic via this local network gateway?
i.e. Firewall rules?

73, Chuck

There are firewalls in place
There are firewalls in place that prevent encrypted traffic, but that's irrelevant to the question at hand.
nc8q's picture
Do gateway nodes have the ability to detect the status of the WA

"Do gateway nodes have the ability to detect the status of the WAN connection"
No. If a node has a WAN connection, it advertises such..
"and if down, inform other nodes to use a different gateway?
No. If a node does not have a WAN connection, it advertises itself omitting WAN connection information.

K6CCC's picture
Oh, so DMR repeaters require

Oh, so DMR repeaters require internet access to communicate with each other.
I didn't know that.

Actually they don't require Internet.  They DO require a network connection, to each other and the bridge - however that would be VERY limited - but could be perfect for an emergency response network.  For access to the worldwide collection of talkgroups, they do require Internet.
nc8q's picture
They DO require a network connection, to each other and the brid

Hi, Jim:


"They DO require a network connection, to each other and the bridge"


I feel that we are still on topic including the further definition of use case in note #3.
- There are only 2 DMR repeaters in the group
- The DMR repeaters are both in the same AREDN LAN.

Then a 'stand alone' DMR-bridge in same AREDN LAN could link DMR repeaters with network connectivity.
Especially without sharing internet access with the entire local AREDN network.

I think KI5VMF has published a FOSS DMR bridge especially for AREDN networks.
"Run a DMR network server with a frontend, authentication, private and group calls and a parrot all in a single binary"

There may be other FOSS DMR bridges for local networks, although maybe not especially for AREDN.

73, Chuck

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