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Flashing Nightly build over ver 6.2 on NanoStation M2

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Flashing Nightly build over ver 6.2 on NanoStation M2

Could someone please give me a nightly build filename that will flash over ver 6.2. I have no success to this point. I can't get the UI ver 5.5 method to work either. They always seem to die right at the end of the upload. I have used the TFTP method and Pumpkin. with no success. Is there any thing I'm missing?
Thanks and 73 Dave KR4LU.

K6CCC's picture
Say what?
Maybe I have had too long of a day, but this does not make sense.  No idea what you mean Pumkim method.  What do you mean, flashing 5.5 and Nightly builds.  There is no AREDN version 5.5, and if you are trying to do a new flash, you are not going to a Nightly build.
So what are you trying to accomplish?

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