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FCC NPRM for 3 GHz Band

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w6bi's picture
FCC NPRM for 3 GHz Band
I have not personally read the Docket yet. 

The FCC will consider a notice of proposed rulemaking that would seek comment and propose changes to the priority access license rules in the 3.5 GHz band at its Oct. 24 meeting.
The FCC said the changes would increase incentives for investment, encourage more efficient spectrum use, and promote faster and more widespread network deployments.
In a public notice, the FCC established GN Docket No. 17-258, titled “Promoting Investment in the 3550 – 3700 MHz Band.” Presentations are subject to “permit-but-disclose” ex parte rules.
ke6bxt's picture
Amateur radio in 3 GHz band
The amateur portion of the 3 GHz band is from 3300 to 3500 MHz

This proposed rulemaking might impact the Ubiquiti M365 (only uses 3560 MHz) which we can't use for Amateur use anyway.

Here is the SCRRBA band plan:

w6bi's picture

That's correct (should have read it before I posted):  One of the items being discussed for this spectrum reallocation is a new Citizens Band Radio Service (CBRS)

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