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Errors Using PuTTYGen to make SSH Keys

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AC2OG's picture
Errors Using PuTTYGen to make SSH Keys

I tried to generate SSH keys following the instructions of WU2S and got problems with NOTEPAD ++ not allowing me to save the file with End of Line format UNIX/OSX . The sole option is UNIX (LF). Moreover, I am not able to save the file with .pub extension.
Looking for help!
WU2S's picture
PuTTYGen keys
I just tested the key generation and file saving with PuTTYGen version 0.67 and Notepad++ version
Both work successfully.  In the current Notepad++ the option for UNIX(LF) is the correct one.
When saving the file, you get a default .txt extension from Notepad++. Just ignore that and put the .pub extension in the
File name: box - such as -
AC2OG's picture
PuTTY Gen Keys
noted, thanks Randy!
AC2OG's picture
Hi Randy, followed your suggestions for the .pub file. Tried to upload the file and got this error message: 
Collected errors:
 * pkg_init_from_file: Malformed package file /tmp/web/upload/newpkg.ipk.
Failed to restart all services, please reboot this node.
WU2S's picture
PuTTYGen public key upload
Are you using the "Authorized SSH Keys" section on the Administration page? 
Are you uploading the .pub key file?
You should get the following messages:
"Key installed."
"Failed to restart all services, please reboot this node" <== ignore this
"Info: key file sanitized"

I just generated a new key pair and uploaded the public key to a GL AR750 node with success. I then tested it by using Putty to access the node with SSH and was successful in using the private key to authenticate.

AC2OG's picture
Hi Randy,
my fault. I was trying to upload the .pub key as a package, sorry!
Now uploaded the key correctly.

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