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Down grading v5.6.15(XW) To v5.5.10(XW)

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Down grading v5.6.15(XW) To v5.5.10(XW)
Is it possible Down grade v5.6.15(XW) To v5.5.10(XW). I have read all on the forum about it. I used GUI to flash v5.6.15(XW) and am unable to downgrade. Tried to TFTP v5.6.15 and it rejects the overwrite. Do I need to return the product? Anyone know where to actually get XM nanostation online? Am I just missing something. Thanks David KG5RDF,
Hard to get a response on here....Lmao. I loaded Nightly build and Nano XW is up via lan connections. Need to incorporate it into my Vlan this weekend.
AE6XE's picture
I suspect you have a
I suspect you have a NanoStation M2 XW?   If so, these are newer devices and there's no AirOS support in 5.5.x for these devices.   That means there's no path to install AREDN 3.16.1.x on this device. Only option is the nightly build images -- "nano-m-xw"  factory to load over the top of AirOS.   It appears you have done so and moving forward?     

When you config the vlans, be sure to note the NS M2/M5 XW devices (and only these 2 Ubiquiti devices) have unique port configurations for the vlans:

main port:  LAN only (no vlan tags)
secondary port:   DtDlink and WAN only (vlan 2 and 1 respectively)

The linux drivers in AREDN firmware can't mix a port to have both tagged and un-tagged packets on this particular ethernet chipset (or there's a claim it's a chip defect). 

al0y's picture

Is there a way "probably in /etc/config/network" where we can tag the LAN traffic with some vlan ID and route it on same port as the WAN and DtD? 
This eliminates the need for occupying 2 ports in the switch and running 2 Ethernet cables from the switch to EACH node.

No supported method.
No supported method.

You also still need to run power up to the primary port for the node.
al0y's picture
Actually, you can power the

Actually, you can power the node from ANY of the 2 ports. POE is pass-through for those 2 ports. 

And hey, may be this should be supported since all new nano stations are XW now!!

The circuit is designed to be
The circuit is designed to be fed from the Primary port, while some users have successfully used the secondary port to backfeed Ubiquit never designed the device to function in this manner.  Your basically back feeding through a mosfet and the protection circuitry is on the wrong side to protect the hardware. This circuit was never deigned to handle the power of a node consumption it was intended for a half the power consumption of a node camera.

​While some users have done this AREDN being built for emergency communications in mind does not endorse or support operating the devices in this manner.
NanoStation loco XW load
OK, been away from AREDN for a while and picked up a new NanoStation loco XW 5.6.12.  Tired the 5.5 downgrade and no luck, guess I had expected the XW devices to be useable now, but apparently not.  Tried the nightly build ubnt-nano-m-xw-squashfs-factory.bin and my loco refuses to take it, keeps saying the file is too big and not enough free memory to accept it?  So am I toast on trying to use this device for AREDN, or is there another nightly build that will work?
AE6XE's picture
look in nightly build for
look in nightly build for "loco-m-xw".   You no longer need to downgrade AirOS process with the nightly build images.  Directly upload in AirOS UI (or with latest AirOS versions you can only tftp load AREDN directly -- started looking for a signature in the UI).
Would I be better off using 3
Would I be better off using instead of the nightly build, or maybe even better, wait till is released?
Thanks Conrad for the update.
Thanks Conrad for the update.  In light of this announcement related to release delay I went ahead and loaded the current nightly build for my NanoStation Local M2 XW and it seems to have worked fine.  The out of memory issue I had before when loading the BIN file was apparently related to my unfamiliarity with the IE browser in Windows 10 Pro (the pop-ups were hidden).  I should have just used my trusty Win 7 Pro laptop to do the update, but I was able to finally work around the browser issues and get it installed.  Thanks to you and Joe, as always, for fast and accurate feedback.

Bill, N4SV
K5DLQ's picture
glad you got er' done Bill.  
glad you got er' done Bill.
"keeps saying the file is too
"keeps saying the file is too big and not enough free memory "

​My guess is you tried to load it as a config file and not as a firmware file. 

That said as Joe mentions above we will be removing all official support for Web based installs of AREDN on  Ubiquiti devices in the next release so go ahead and give it a TFTP install instead and see if that solves your issue.
Worked Great!
Yes! I had no issues. Both of my nodes XM and XW work on my VLAN. Both have internet connection and each have a private all-star node connected to a public all-star node. I have connected them to a 19 reapter link system and passed voice and dtmf. Thanks, vary pleased with the nightly builds. The link is what I put together from the forum and implemented. Thanks David KG5RDF
al0y's picture

thanks a lot for your reply. You just saved my last sane part of my head. 
I was not getting connection to wan whatsoever. 

I only had one cable coming from the main port to the switch.  The LAN worked perfectly. Except that I was not getting a WAN on the node. 
I do have a XW one. 

Now I don’t want it (because I don’t wanna run two cables and use two ports in the switch) 
but the problem is even if I return it, there is no guarantee I will ever be able to get XM one. 
You should assume you will
You should assume you will only get XW devices. XW are a new hardware revision, no further XM are produced once the factory line switches to XW.

al0y's picture
It's ironic
It's ironic that the old hardware version din't have the problem (or defect?) that the new one now introduced! 
AE6XE's picture
Ubiquiti added a switch chip
Ubiquiti added a switch chip on the XW motherboard that never existed previously in the XM.    Before with XM there were 2 physical Ethernet network interfaces on the cpu.    After with XW there is only 1 ethernet interface on the cpu that is then connected to a switch built inside the device -- the external ports are now ports off a switch.  

I'd have to research the chip packaging, but this is probably because the upgrade of chipsets from XM to XW upgraded to a cpu that before had 2 external ethernet chips, to a cpu that had 1 ethernet interface built into the same chip.    To handle multiple ports on a device, one would add the external single switch chip and not add 2 network chips to have 2 network ports.  

al0y's picture
do you think?
Thanks a lot, Joe for the information...
Do you think that in any upcoming AREDN build, the need to run 2 Ethernet cables to the node will eliminated and we will be able to run wan/dtd and LAN on the same port?

Even by assigning a default vlan ID tag to the LAN connection that gets stripped out on the switch by going "untagged" to other ports on the switch? and for incoming untagged traffic, this vlan tag is added if nothing already tagged?

I am not even sure if this is doable... I am trying to think out loud :) 
AE6XE's picture
I'm afraid a fix is not on
I'm afraid a fix is not on the horizon (to have a functionality on one port) for the NanoStation XW M2/M5.  The greater community of OpenWRT/LEDE is focused on newer technologies and hardware with 128M RAM, bigger bells and whistles, devices.   If a fix is or has been created by someone, it is most likely done on newer versions of linux drivers.   Backporting the fix can  be anywhere from straightforward to a nightmare.  People specialize careers in some of these linux drivers and code bases.   While we have the technical expertise to dive in and begin to understand it, it could take days to months to discover how to back port if a fix exists and get it right/working.   There's hope but when we have a workaround, it tends to push our effort over to functionality in AREDN that we don't have and want even more.

I have the NSM5 XW and have put it on the roof using only DTDLink down to another node in the shack where my LAN devices are attached to.   This also gives an opportunity to put a LAN device on the other NSM5's other port, e.g. an ipCam, and only have 1 cable to the shack.  Can split off the power with POE splitter/injectors, or for those higher risk taking individuals, back-feed power through the NSM5 to the LAN device.  We can turn a lemon into lemonade :) .

AE6XE's picture
In regards to assigning a
In regards to assigning a vlan tag to the LAN traffic.  This is technically possible, but then this substitutes yet another undesirable.   It would still not be an  interchangeable mesh node.  To have it uniquely configured and require different custom switch settings from other mesh nodes, is another evil we'd like to avoid.  
al0y's picture

I actually didn't think about the conflict that tagging the LAN traffic would introduce if we have multiple nodes on the same switch. 
Yes, running another cat5 is much simpler than that. 
and, as you said, If I have multiple nodes, then I build my lan over only one (one should not need more than 13 hosts in a LAN anyway) and connect the nodes DtD.

Thanks, Joe. 
nc8q's picture
Down grading v5.6.15(XW) To v5.5.10(XW)
I 'bricked' a (new) NS M5 XW and used a Raspberry Pi 2 to unbrick it using the serial uboot method.
Loading '' worked, but XW.v5.6 did not.
Following the XW.v5.5 serial uboot fix, I loaded AREDN-
and all is well now. I ran the serial uboot on the RPi and TFTP from a laptop. Could have done both from the RPi
I suppose, but I didn't have XW.v5.5...bin on the RPi at the time.

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