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DNS Alias

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DNS Alias

Hello everyone!

I'm getting ready to retire an old server on the mesh network. I know the MESH doesn't use DNS perse, but is there a way for me to add a second hostname alias to a server? I want to be able to give the new server the old server's host name (in addition to the new hostname) for a period of time while some other settings are changed that allow retirement of the old host name.

DNS Aliases

I have a request similar to W3VD's: I have a web server on my AREDN LAN and I'd like to use virtual servers with different
DNS names, so I'm looking to add multiple DNS aliases.  I'm able to add aliases to /etc/hosts.user and


to /etc/dnsmaq.conf.  That survives a reboot and works fine locally, but no other nodes see my aliases because
they are not in /var/run/hosts_olsr, at least I thinks that's why.  It appears that adding the following line to LoadPlugin ""
in /var/etc/olsrd.conf might do the trick:

PlParam "add-hosts" "/etc/hosts.user"

But adding that line doesn't work and doesn't survive a reboot.  Is there a way to add aliases locally and have them resolve on other nodes?



AE6XE's picture
In openwrt, all config
In openwrt, all config settings go into /etc/config/* .  Then the individual config files of a service are generated when it is started "/etc/init.d/ olsr start" . In AREDN,  these openwrt config files are generated from various data files, on a save in basic setup.  To make an olsr config change this is editing code that generates the olsr config, pulling in tunnel info, advertised services, and more.  You'd have to edit the olsr config file, after each save in basic setup instead of editing code to generate.

There is a built in alias for the nodes, or the tactical name.   If you add an alias for lan devices, there is risk of mesh status not displaying information correctly or failing altogether.  It may not have been written to expect aliases for lan devices.   This might best be an enhancement request.

DNS Aliases
Thanks for the quick reply and thorough answer, Joe.  Is the place to make an enhancement request in the Features section of the Development AREDN forum?

Steve AG7GN

K5DLQ's picture
Here Steve...https://github
Enhancement Request submitted
Thanks.  I've posted an Enhancement Request.


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