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Default gateway on nodes

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Default gateway on nodes

I hope I have the right category.

I have made a few changes last week as suggested by an IT guy that knows a lot more than I do. And unchecking the DHCP block on the nodes. This caused all of my cameras to loose their lease. Well I finally got most of them back working now but the Axis cameras that I have will not function thru the Axis Companion website any more. One thing I noticed now is the default gateway on several of the nodes now say.

default gateway
dtdlink / mid1

while others have another node shown there.

So main question is how many nodes need the DHCP checked? If I uncheck the block sometimes cameras jump to another node and the link does not work 
and what is controlling the default gateway? I seem to get internet when I plug in to a remote site but the cameras are not getting back now.



K5DLQ's picture
I might suggest hitting the
I might suggest hitting the "Default Values" button on the setup page to start fresh and testing from that point.

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