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CPE220 V3 (UN)

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CPE220 V3 (UN)


Our group has invested in a batch of CPE220 V3.0  with the (UN) designation.

Current AREDN stable release 3.20.3 fails to load from the OEM web upload page. The router appears broken - every now and again all LEDs flash then nothing. No IP traffic sniffed on Ethernet. No other response. Believed to be continually rebooting.

Able to recover to OEM firmware with TFTP.

Retry of AREDN using TFTP.  Same failure.

Able to recover to OEM again.

Retry of AREDN with release 3.19.3   - using both web upload feature and TFTP. Both fail, same symptoms.

On OpenWRT website there is no stable supported release yet for this router. Loaded the latest snapshot (cef0f85a2271606d9a9be2e81494a3834b99e1e7f85dfe9f79fdbf54234d7a0d - June 4th). This worked.

Then from CLI did a sysupgrade with AREDN 3.20.3

Result - perfect although max power on web interface setup is restricted to 25dBm. This can be changed locally to 30dBm and tests show that this indeed works.

So, for our routers, the latest stable AREDN build does not install as per normal instructions.  Not a problem for us as we have a workaround but it is worth flagging - has there been some hardware changes ? Anyone else experience this failure ?  Devs  have enough to do, so not a priority but the info presented here might be useful.

73 es gl

Bernie GM4WZG 
FEEDNET (Forth Estuary Experimental Data NETwork)


This has been resolved in the

This has been resolved in the Nightly builds located here

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