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confused about packages

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confused about packages
How do i know what package is which and what each one of them does. when i set up one of the nodes it said if i want to block known encryption from going out over RF i need to install the package. Is there place that explains the package list and what they do? Is there any packages i really should be installing?
nc8q's picture
when i set up one of the nodes it said
"when i set up one of the nodes it said if i want to block known encryption from going out over RF i need to install the package."

What can I do to get my node to show that?

73, Chuck

It says it only shows it one
It says it only shows it one time, you see it at the bottom before the node is even set up.
Luckily I took a screenshot of it.

Image Attachments: 
nc8q's picture
It only shows it one time...during a '1st boot'
Thanks for the information.
Those packages are not maintained by .
The packages would be, perhaps, maintained by OpenWRT.
I suggest you seek information on packages somewhere 'upstream' from .
Hopefully an OpenWRT guru will post some information about where to learn more about packages.

73, Chuck

I will poke around OpenWRT
I will poke around OpenWRT for some more information.
i did find this when i did a
i did find this when i did a search of the web for AREDN blockknownencyrption

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