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Compatibility Inquiry: Will My Ubiquiti LiteBeam LBE-5AC-23 Work with AREDN Network?

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Kb7sdm's picture
Compatibility Inquiry: Will My Ubiquiti LiteBeam LBE-5AC-23 Work with AREDN Network?

Greetings AREDN Community!

I'm new here and very interested in joining the AREDN network. I wanted to find out if it's possible to put into service my old pair of Ubiquiti LiteBeam (LBE-5AC-23). They have sadly been taking up space in my closet since I moved years ago, aching to get a new lease on life!

I've taken the time to search the AREDN forum for information about the LBE-5AC-23, but I didn't find anything specific about my particular model. Instead, I've come across comments referring to the Gen2 version and the LBE-M5-23. Given this, I'd appreciate it if someone could confirm if my LiteBeams are at all compatible with the AREDN network or could be made so.

Thank you in advance for your help! I've also ordered a GL.iNet GL-AR300M16-Ext, which is on the compatibility list, to reduce my potential disappointment if I find out that my poor LiteBeams are destined to remain in their dark closet.

Ryan, KB7SDM


KD1HA's picture
Hi Ryan,
Hi Ryan,

Welcome and I'm not sure about that model but the list is here: 

Kb7sdm's picture
Thanks for the reply and
Thanks for the reply and welcome Denis,  
Yea, I went through the list at first before i found the forum, and briefly got excited when i saw the Gen2 of my AP on it.  Unfortunately I didn't see my model number, but figured that i would dig in and ask anyway.  Thinking that sometimes there's an "unsupported" solution that hasn't made it to documentation yet, might be known in the community.  wishful thinking i know :)   I did manage to get the GLiNet 300M flashed and up and running in no time at all, but dont have the range to discover any other nodes.  I will take it up to the park which has a node soon and test it out.

Thanks again, 
KD1HA's picture
It will probably work fine
It will probably work fine but it is not supported. The team is always updating!  
w6bi's picture
Try it

It's not reported as supported by OpenWrt, but a similar model (the LiteBeam M5) is supported by AREDN.  Give it a shot and report results.
Best case: it'll say Unsupported Hardware (and may or may not be fully functional as an AREDN node)
Worst case: you'll have to reload RouterOS on it.

Orv W6BI

KD1HA's picture
...and make sure you save a
...and make sure you save a copy of the original OS before hand if you do need to reinstall it.

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