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Command string for Reolink cam including login?

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Command string for Reolink cam including login?
Hi all,
Have been running a Reolink IP-cam 520A for while now, which has meant having to provide login details for potential viewers, which is messy.
Today on the new UI I have discovered that under Local Services/Add Service there is now an entry for a Reolink Camera which yields the following command string:


This is great: it lets the visitor see a SNAPSHOT without having to muck about with a login, because I have already stored the details in the link.

BUT: any idea what the string would be, to let the visitor just watch the LIVE VIDEO without a login?

Thanks and 73,  Rob HB9XBO
Best solution is to setup a web server instead ... but

What you need might be on this page .... Ed
Thanks Ed for the feedback.
Thanks Ed for the feedback. Tried dozens of combinations, mostly unknown command error or no response at all. Shall however look out for other folks' links, I might find something, in the meantime I just write the credentials in my node info. Cheers es 73
When I was having video
When I was having video camera issues the consistent advice I got was that the built in web server in the cameras is not good enough.  I finally broke down and did what was recommended, have the camera send a RSTP feed to a Linux machine running MotionEye ... then make the html video feed to the mesh available from Motioneye.  This works much much better than relying on the camera by itself.


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