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CISCO 7960 & Polycom Soundpoint IP670 SIP Direct IP Dial

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CISCO 7960 & Polycom Soundpoint IP670 SIP Direct IP Dial
Hi all

Have a couple of mesh nodes up and running including a tunnel client. Now moving on to more features such as SIP phones.

I have the above mentioned phones and are trying to get them to direct dial each other. Seems they both require a SIP Proxy setting. I've managed to dial the IP670 from the 7960 but only by setting the SIP proxy in the 7960 to the IP of te IP670.

I have hd the 7960 working with FreePBX but was trying to get around having to have a PBX at all in the local environment.

Questions for the experienced here:

1. Are these phones SIP direct IP dial compatible in the first place
2. For in shack direct IP dialling, do you need a SIP proxy in the first place (with these phones)


N2MH's picture
Business Phones

Hi Darrin,

In my experience it has been difficult, almost impossible to call a Cisco phone by direct ip dialing. There are some tricks to placing an outgoing call from a Cisco phone, as you discovered. And, in general, they involve configuration work for the exact phone you wish to call.

Polycom phones may be easier. I just called a Sound Station 5000 by direct ip address and the call went through and rang the phone. Nobody was at the phone to answer the call, so I don't know if the call actually completed. I haven't tried the other way.

Keep in mind that these are business phones. And, in general, business phones call each other by extension number, not ip address. Indeed, in a business setting, calling by ip address could be considered a security risk.

Thus, direct ip dialing becomes an optional feature which may or may not be supported by any individual manufacturer. And, if it is supported, it will function differently between vendors and even differently between different phones of the same vendor.

I have found that Grandstream phones support ip-dialing very nicely, Yealink is not too bad. Cisco is at the bottom of the list. I don't have any real experience with other brands.

73, Mark, N2MH
MeshPhone 973-2111


Hi Mark

Hi Mark

Thanks for  the super quick reply. I thought that may have been the case. I just wanted to check that I was not missing something in the config.

I do have a very good supplier of the Grandstream phones here in VK land so that sounds like the best option for direct dial.

Looks like I'll put in a asterisk PBX on a Pi. Had the 7960 working on FreePBX in the past without too many problems.

The adventure continues !!


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