I have lost my Tunneling capability, I can see but can't connect to anything.
A Port Scan shows my Home Network has recently had Port 5525 Blocked from the ISP.
What are the alternatives so we can continue testing?
Thank You,
Rich W4NMH
I have lost my Tunneling capability, I can see but can't connect to anything.
A Port Scan shows my Home Network has recently had Port 5525 Blocked from the ISP.
What are the alternatives so we can continue testing?
Thank You,
Rich W4NMH
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Are you running the AREDN
Are you running the AREDN YES
ok. this is unsupported and untested, but, try this: (only on AREDN based nodes)
(If it messes up things on your node, just hold the reset button for 15 secs to get a "fresh installed pre-configuration state" node.)
Let me know if that works for you.
While it is possible your ISP is blocking the port, this would not be the most likely scenario if you are in the US. The port is uncommon and not used (to my knowledge) by any large scale software that ISP's would want to use the (limited) ACL restrictions on.
A more likely scenario is that your home router NAT translation to the mesh node WAN IP is no longer valid, such as the mesh node IP has changed and the NAT forward from the router is not being sent to the mesh node. I would suggest double checking the translation first.