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Central Illinois Mesh

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kg9dw's picture
Central Illinois Mesh
The Heyworth Amateur Radio Club (HARC) and State Farm Retirees And Associates Radio Club (SFRAAC) run a mesh on 5GHz between Bloomington, IL and Heyworth, IL. There are two hub tower sites both at over 200 feet AGL. 

We're expanding the use throughout southern McLean county, and have plans to move down into Dewitt County to a tower site on the north side of Clinton. We're also investigating a link to Decatur, and then maybe on into Springfield or east to Lovington and Cadwell.

The current network contains Nanobridge M5 dishes, an M5 Rocket into an omni antenna, and then also an old AirGrid for testing.

If you're interested in joining in, contact me directly. I'm good on

73, Mike KG9DW
kj6dzb's picture
Best wishes from California.
Best wishes from California.

73 Mathison kj6dzb
kg9dw's picture
Omni in Bloomington IL

We've installed an M5 rocket with a 13db omni on top of a 200' building on the east side of Bloomington, IL. This node is co-located with a point to point node that connects with Heyworth 12 miles to the south. Heyworth hosts a mesh gateway.  The omni is running at 10MHz bandwidth. We've successfully connected to the omni from North Normal, about 8 miles away.  Send KJ9P or myself any signal reports.


Just found this thread.  I
Just found this thread.  I live in Mt. Zion, outside Decatur, and have 2 Nano Station nodes at my house.  I would love to find a way to connect into your network, but there is no true line of site to Heyworth, plus its about 44 miles.
NS9A's picture
Possible Fayette County Node
I'm currently researching installing a node in Fayette County for EMCOMM purposes. Our club 2M transmitter is at 365' so we have a very good spot for coverage. I see some nodes over by Highland and up by Mattoon. Send up a flare if there is interest in setting some things up in the area. My background is network engineering so the AREDN concept doesn't look difficult. I just joined I'm still researching hardware. Last time I looked into this I thought it was mainly active in California or somewhere on the west coast. Good to see there is local activity and the concept has expanded. 

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