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From Burt K6OQK RE: WRT54GL Disassembly...

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K6OQK's picture
From Burt K6OQK RE: WRT54GL Disassembly...

I have a WRT54GL that I want to see if I can repair.  Something smells hot.  It probably isn't worth the effort.  My question is: How do you get the darn thing open without destroying the case.  I'm sure it snaps together, but I haven't found the secret to "unsnapping" it.


Burt, K6OQK

w6bi's picture
YouTube is your friend
There are several videos on YouTube explaining how to open the chassis.
Orv W6BI
K9CQB's picture
Just rip the blue front-facade off with all of your strength.
I usually disassemble every electronic device I've ever owned and photograph it. I have removed about thirty of these Linksys WRT54GL devices. It sounds counterintuitive, but the blue front faceplate/facade just pulls off. It is held by 2 plastic tabs on the dark gray body. Once you yank off the front, the bottom slides forward from the top/rear portion of the enclosure via 2 short rails on the bottom. You will see the 2 screws that hold the board to the bottom plastic enclosure plate.

-Damon K9CQB

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