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Bullet M5 titanium load error

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Bullet M5 titanium load error
I have a bullet m5 titanium running ubiquiti version 5.5.11. The device passes the aredn u boot test with good good. When I try to load the aredn firmware I get the following error:  firmware image check failed: error number -4. I am not sure what is happening. I had a successful load on another bullet m5 titanium that i have. Any help would be appreciated.

wa2ise's picture
I ran into a similar problem
I ran into a similar problem when trying to load AREDN onto a new node.  Turned out my problem was that the filename of the file I was using was altered by my computer's download program (it appended a (1) as it turned out I had downloaded it before).  Check to see if the filename isn't changed.  I don't know why the node would care about the name of the file, but it does.  Well, they wrote the software to make it care...  smiley
Also make sure you are using
Also make sure you are using the FACTORY file not the sysupgrade file.
Bullet M5 titanium load error
I am using the factory file. I will check the file name but it is the same one I used on the previous bullet upload. Thanks for the suggestions.


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