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AREDN Node, Raspberry pi and VNC server

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km5l's picture
AREDN Node, Raspberry pi and VNC server

I'm trying to use VNC Server from Pi2 on an AREDN node, to a different Pi2 on a different AREDN node. I can ping, from pi to pi.

When I try to connect to the server I get "connection refused". Then I decided to activate port forwarding on the nodes - in VNC Server's case the two ports are TCP 5800 and TCP 5900. I activated them both, on both nodes: I put the ports on the outside port field and the LAN port field - and confirmed the LAN IP is correct. Still no change - can't bust through.

Any ideas?

Patrick KM5L
km5l's picture
Forgot to put the :1 on my VNC connect command, works like a champ, and without port forwarding.

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