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AREDN github repo default branch renamed from develop to main

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AREDN github repo default branch renamed from develop to main
This information is for Developers only with github accounts that have previously 'cloned' the AREDN source code repository.    If you are not familiar with these terms, best not to read further :) .

The github community has changed the default branch for repositories to be called "main" (from "master").   Accordingly, the AREDN team has followed suit.

Also, recently the primary github repository was changed to  (used to be aredn_ar71xx).    The old terminology of ar71xx no longer applies to the architecture target builds, which are now ath79 today.   As newer hardware may be incorporated in the future, the target builds may further change, consequently this notation is removed from the repository naming conventions.

If you have cloned the AREDN 'aredn_ar71xx' repo, you will need to start over to clone the new 'aredn' repo.   If you have already cloned the 'aredn' repo, you will need to do 2 steps:

1) rename the branch in your github forked copy of the 'aredn' repo, from develop to main.  Instructions will pop up in a window when accessing your repo.

2)  rename the branch in your cloned local repo, using the following commands  (you may have given your github repo a different name, example is mine): 
git branch -m develop main
git fetch ae6xe
git branch -u ae6xe/main main


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