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Administrative dump?

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Administrative dump?
I'm troubleshooting a LAN connection issue on a Powerbeam 400 and was wondering if there's anything in the adminstrative dump that might be helpful (such as attempting to assign an IP and that failing, etc)?
w6bi's picture
Some of the Powerbeam models are problematic in terms of negotiating port speed.   That may or may not be related to your issue.  Suggest you load the latest nightly build and retest.
nc8q's picture
troubleshooting a LAN connection issue on a Powerbeam 400

I have a PowerBeam-M5-400 in service and am willing to try your configuration.
Let us ensure that our devices are a hardware match.
node "NC8Q-PBE-M5-400"
model "Ubiquiti Rocket M XW"
mesh_gateway "0"
firmware_mfg "AREDN"
board_id "0xe4e5"
firmware_version "1630-8a2b6f9"

73, Chuck

This is my Powerbeam that is
This is my Powerbeam that is "fed" via a 520+ foot run of CAT5e with an extender at 100 meters. After checking various aspects, I believe the problem is the Powerbeam itself is bad. I'm going to try swapping it out over the weekend to see if that resolves it

node "AH6LE-PARRETT-PBE400",
   "node_details": {
     "description": "146.920\/441.875 100.0 Hz. Allstar Node 1102, part of AH6LE Repeater System",
     "model": "Ubiquiti Rocket M XW",
     "mesh_gateway": "0",
     "board_id": "0xe4e5",
     "firmware_mfg": "AREDN",
     "firmware_version": ""

K5DLQ's picture
technically, ethernet has a
technically, ethernet has a 328' limit.
Yes however with the proper
Yes however with the proper extender, that distance can be doubled or even tripled
K5DLQ's picture
oh sorry.   i didnt see that

oh sorry.   i didnt see that you have an extender.   Did you/can you try to use the node directly connected? (short cat5)
i do recall some UBNT devices were very sensitive to static and would blow up the ethernet chips.   I have a rocket m2 with no ethernet port because of this.

I'm headed to site tomorrow
I'm headed to site tomorrow with an extra PBE400 radio, cable checker and some help so we shall see!
Thing is, this setup worked great for well over 9 months and only started giving problems a month or so ago. The RF connection to the Mesh is GREAT (24 dB SNR and iperf reports good throughput) at least!
K5DLQ's picture
could be corroded rj45
could be corroded rj45 contacts on the node or PoE too
Checked that and not the case
Checked that and not the case unfortunately
K5DLQ's picture
yeah.   then it sounds like a
yeah.   then it sounds like a defective ethernet chip to me.

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