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Can Louisiana be added to regional?

Can we have a APRS and RoIP "Radio over IP" added to ACE.

Our club is about to start linking repeaters and APRS over AREDN I would like some place to share our experiences. 


K5DLQ's picture
done and done
done and done
K5MOB's picture
I am sorry about this, I did

I am sorry about this, I did not make my self very clear as it was a late night last night....

The APRS and RoIP should have been separated...  
As the APRS will be for configuration and testing of the APRS nodes, tracking & display radios and pagers.
The RoIP will be for Radio over IP link in between repeaters, auto patch, AllstarLink and EchoLInk.

K6AH's picture
Creating New ACE groups

I'm not sure these categories warrant ACE groups.  The idea of these groups is to segment Emcomm interest areas, and while I believe both are certainly of interest, RoIP has the same requirements and potential issues as VoIP, so I don't see the value in separating them out... it'll tend to cause people to re-post similar discussions in both forums.

And APRS isn't a technology that depends on AREDN... other than to perhaps be an IP-based network which can transport APRS info.  There are many applications that fall into this category and I don't' support creating an ACE group for each.

Thanks for your input though.  We value your contributions.

Andre, K6AH
Project Manager, AREDN


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