You are here bug with Tx power setting?

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KG7LMI's picture bug with Tx power setting?
I set the Tx power on my workshop test nodes to the lowest setting, e.g. 11dBm. However, after I save the config and reboot, it always comes back with the power at 13dBm. I have 2 nodes on this release so far, a Rocket M2 and a PBE-M2-400. No big deal, but odd...

AE6XE's picture
Rob,  there isn't any
Rob,  there isn't any functionality that restricts what lowest power setting can be entered on a device, current AREDN version or prior versions.     Many Ubiquiti devices do have a fixed power offset value, that a setting could not be less than.  As I recall, I think the lowest option shown is according to this power offset.   

In the situation where the setting is limited (max or min) the driver reverts to what it can do at its limits.  While no one has dug into the details, we think there are also limits in a vendor flash partition on the max settings used by the vendor firmware.  We think the opensource driver we have in use is also reading these flash settings and limiting power -- certainly somewhere as the driver reverts to a max limit too.

If this seems significant enough of an issue, could enter an issue in github and get on the list to take a look at.

Joe AE6XE  
Did you click Apply, then Save, Reboot? I have forgotten than more than once...
AE6XE's picture
Rob, I was checking in the
Rob, I was checking in the code for the power settings on the PBE-M2-400, and I'm not seeing which particular definition is being used.    The PBE-M5-400 and PBE-M5-400-ISO definitions exist, but not one explicitly for "PBE-M2-400".  I know there are several people using this device and it was included a year or so ago.   Maybe it is using a "Nanobeam" definition as Ubiquiti renamed this product line at one point in the past.   Can you go to the Administration page and obtain a support download file to attach here?  I want to confirm the right definitions are there and being used.


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