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2.4ghz Omni that won't break the bank?

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2.4ghz Omni that won't break the bank?
Anybody got suggestions on a 2.4 mimo omni antenna that won't wipe out my bank account? I was using the Altelix brand but seems they are going out of the antenna business. KP Preformance seems to be really proud of their antennas. The Ubiquiti Omni AirMax 2G13 (AMO-2G13) seems ok but looks like the supplied cables are too short for the Mikrotik BaseBox2. Suggestions appreciated.

L Com antenna
I lucked out and found a "used" L-com antenna on amazon for ~$80 a few weeks ago. Got the 15 dbi version that msrps for 130+. The box had exterior shipping damage but the antenna was mint. I do see a 9 dbi version for sale new on amazon right now.

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