I have developed a command line tool that allows operators to submit nodes to the AREDN map without requiring the node itself to have internet access (direct or via Mesh Gateway).
Right now, this is a Windows based tool but may release as Linux and/or OSX if requested.
To use it:
- Downloads the AREDN Offline Map Submit (OMS) tool from here: http://bit.ly/arednomstool
- Extract the contents of the zip file to a folder on your PC (no installation required)
- Ensure that your PC is connected to a node as a LAN device.
- Ensure that the node is connected to a VLAN capable switch that is configured with VLAN1 (WAN) access to the internet. (OR, use an AirRouter that is connected to the internet)
- Open a command prompt in Windows
- run the following command from the folder that you extracted the OMS tool into: oms.exe
- OPTIONALLY: you can run: oms.exe -preview (This will show you which nodes would submit their data WITHOUT actually sending it to the AREDN data server)
K5DLQ - Darryl
Thanks (again) Darryl. The utility works real well.
73 - Mike ab4yy
How can I add nodes to the map when none of the nodes has any internet connection?
Short answer is you cant... but...
Do you have a node that you plug your PC into normally?
If you can connect it to the internet, that satisfies the requirement. NOTE: "Mesh Gateway" DOES NOT NEED TO BE ENABLED for the localnode to access the internet.
ie. I have an AirRouter connected to my home network and my laptop plugs into the airrouter. The OMS utility can be run in this config. (If the AirRouter has connection to your wider mesh).
When I try to run oma, it says it is not an executable program.
But I have a larger question. Why is the map tied to any node? It seems it should just be a map, which can be updated over the Internet easily.
You may try re-downloading it and extracting it again.
The design of the maps is intentional.
1) the updating of the map must come from either the actual node, or, a PC that is on the mesh. (security concerns)
2) we want ACTUAL nodes on the map, not theoretical (or planned) nodes.
3) The map information is just one part of the statistical data that is pushed to the AREDN data servers. We also track analytics about firmware versions in use, hardware used, how many OLSR links are connected, etc. The map is a "side benefit" of having this data.
73, K5DLQ
But I cannot get it to find both AREDN and the mesh network at the same time.
Depending on whether I enable either my wireless Internet connection, or my wired mesh connection, or both. OMS says it cannot connect to
one of them.
On your node's setup page, did you check the "Disable default route" checkbox? If not, all your traffic will go to the mesh.
If it is checked, only mesh traffic will go to the mesh, everything else will go to your wireless adapter... (aka. internet).
(glad you got the exe to run) ;-)
I have now been able to enter many of our nodes here in central Ohio.
If it is checked, only mesh traffic will go to the mesh, everything else will go to your wireless adapter... (aka. internet)."
The above post is fairly old, so I presume this option has been superseded, because I don't see it on my setup page. I have the same problem however - I can't upload my node's location to the map via the setup page, as there is no internet access with the node attached.
Running a Raspberry Pi4 with a GL-usb150 microrouter.
Here are firmware version counts as of July 25, 2017 @1000: 8 nodes 578 nodes 251 nodes 198 nodes
Bullets (all bands): 350
Rockets (all bands): 215
Nanostations (all bands): 211
XW devices: 77
AirRouters: 188
Linksys devices: 0 ;-)
Nodes with tunnels installed: 327
Nodes with active tunnel connections: 202
Nodes by channel (on 2Ghz):
-2: 541 nodes
-1: 63 nodes
1: 102 nodes
2: 3 nodes
3: 8 nodes
4: 11 nodes
5: 15 nodes
6: 19 nodes
20Mhz: 286
10Mhz: 511
5Mhz: 276
Nodes with map data: 976
Nodes without map data: 97
Kevin Sherwood, AJ7C
President, Culver City ARES (CCARES)
Works good. I have this run once per week on my main mesh PC to pickup any new nodes with map info on our network
Very Nice! Seems to have worked without issue.
Thanks, Don KM4DC
We've got a couple of nodes at firmware version 256-c2894f8. When running OMS.exe v0.9 return "'`node'`' and blank for submission status.
We've got several nodes at firmware version 283-d7faa4e that return good node names but submission status looks like this:
sysinfo 'firmware_version'
All older (AREDN) firmware versions seem to be okay.
73 - Mike ab4yy
It ran nicely this morning using the new version (1.0). Thanks!
73 - Mike ab4yy
""On your node's setup page, did you check the "Disable default route" checkbox? If not, all your traffic will go to the mesh.
If it is checked, only mesh traffic will go to the mesh, everything else will go to your wireless adapter... (aka. internet)."
The above post is fairly old, so I presume this option has been superseded, because I don't see it on my setup page. I have the same problem however - I can't upload my node's location to the map via the setup page, as there is no internet access with the node attached.
Running a Raspberry Pi4 with a GL-usb150 microrouter."
Is there a way to get my pi (connected to an aredn node) to see both the internet and the node such that it can update the map?